"Do you want your emperor to go insane trying to stamp some papers for hours straight?"

"Hmm, it would be considered as a noble sacrifice for the kingdom." This was going to last another hour or so if you kept going at it. But you promised the advisor that you would convince the shogun to finish his paperwork in exchange of him convincing the said male to give yourself some free time. Bargains are kept at all cost. "Ugh, fine. But I have a condition." The indigo haired male muttered out as he met your eyes. "Hm?"

"Sit on my lap." He smiled innocently.



Letting out a grumble, you slumped against the young emperor's chest in defeat. He was probably wearing a triumphant expression as if he came back from war. All of a sudden, the paperwork that was mountainous was disappearing one by one. Your sacrifice was saving hundreds of royal officers crying over unsigned paperwork here.

Speaking of, you've probably been sitting like this for the past hour or so. It was almost terrifying yet amusing to see how fast Kunikuzushi could get things done with what he wanted. His hands gently gripped onto the quill and elegantly wrote out the curves and twists of universal Teyvatrian. Kazuha owes you months worth dango by now.

"I think we both deserve a break now... Don't you think?" You looked up from your position and barely saw his chin before you were hoisted back up by a grip on your waist. "Hmm. Let me think for a little." A chin rested on top of your head as the hand continued to write on without a care for the world. With a swish and a dot, he placed his signature by the foot of the page.


"Please, I'm sure the Shouki no Kami the Prodigal defender of eternity great Narukami no Ogosho shogunate of Inazuma Kingdom is tired after all that paperwork." You had to take a massive breath after saying his official royal title in one sentence.

"No need to fret dear doctor, the emperor is in pristine condition. Also never call me that again."

"...Pretty please?"

"Nope." How the tables have turned.

You leaned back and gently rubbed your head onto the surface of his kimono. A victorious smirk etched onto your face as you heard his heartbeat rising and his breath hitch slightly. "I'll brew you tea~" It was only recent until you learned that the shogun had a favor towards tea, or anything with a bitter flavor. He barely showed it, but everyone could tell he fell in love with tea which you occasionally brewed. It was honestly just a jumble of random leftover herbs that you decided to boil to not waste anything.. But everyone has their own taste.

Kunikuzushi often hinted that he wanted you to make the drink instead of straightforwardly asking you. It was cute watching him pout in frustration whenever you pretended to not understand his point. He had truely changed so much.

"..Fine. Don't add sugar."

You sprung out of his grasp and hopped over to the kitchen. The palace was still a little foreign, but you could tell most of the main rooms within it. Shutting the door gently shut, you greeted the guards and made your way down the hallways. A few maids waved past by and soldiers bowed before continuing their patrol. Everything seemed to be back to as it was.

Reaching into the bag, you checked the types of dried plants that was still there. Mint.. Sweet flowers are off the list, Cecelia, some Sakura. Strange. You could've sworn there was a Dendrobium stems leftover. It was the key ingredient to the unholy bitterness in the tea, otherwise the freshly sweet aftertaste of mint would take over.
Turning on your heels, you decided to venture around the palace garden for some plants. Dry Dendrobium is better than fresh, but fresh is better than none.

𝚂𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚒𝚝𝚢 ||  𝚂𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚊𝚖𝚘𝚞𝚌𝚑𝚎 𝚡 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 - old versionWhere stories live. Discover now