Angel Eyes (part 2)

Start from the beginning

Hans laughed again "Yes, I noticed it".

"Have you been here long?" she asked him, stroking his cheek.

"For about an hour since I came at full speed from home, I'll probably get I don't know how many traffic tickets on the way. Benny called me..." he concluded, giving her a significant look.

"Oh God" Frida murmured, feeling the tension building up in her chest "He's beside himself, isn't he? Is he here?".

Hans shook his head and chuckled "No, he's not here. Or rather, he was here. He arrived a few moments before me, don't ask me how since he was on the other side of the city and I was closer. He was really out of his mind, but mostly he was scared as hell. We were all scared".

Frida made a pained grimace and suddenly felt tears in her eyes "Oh God, I'm so sorry".

"Hey" Hans said, noticing her first tears wet her face "It's okay. When we walked in, we circled the house in seconds and found you here in bed, asleep. Then we calmed down. We sat on the sofa for about 20 minutes looking into space and making sure that our legs would not give out on us" he concluded with a chuckle.

Frida dried her tears and laughed "I'm a mess. I'm sorry. But I didn't think I'd be asleep for that long".

"Hey" Hans repeated, lifting her chin "I'll tell you again, it's okay. We just got a good scare".

They were interrupted by Frida's phone starting to ring. Benny.

"Ok. I'll let you answer. See If his heart is beating again" Hans laughed, amused, and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.

Frida immediately replied "... Hello?".

She heard him sigh and then "...Hi".

Frida sighed and quickly said "I'm so sorry! I fell asleep and woke up just now! I'm sorry! I didn't hear anything! I went into a coma, practically".

She heard him chuckle softly "Ok, calm down. It's ok".

"It's not ok... I know you came here in a hurry, Hans told me".

"Is he still there?".


"Good boy" he said evidently grinning.

"Love, seriously... I'm sorry".

"Babe, it's ok. Ok? Yeah... I had like 3 heart attacks within 5 minutes, but it's ok".

Frida made a face and settled better against the pillows "Where are you?".

"Just got out of the doctor, I'm on my way home. Why? Something wrong?" he told her in a suddenly serious tone.

Frida snorted "Everything's ok, don't worry. Now I'm going downstairs and send Hans away, he's been here all the time according to what he told me. I'll see you soon?".

"Of course you'll see me soon. I'm going to grab some dinner and come home. Any preference?".

"Surprise me" she said with a smile.

"As always" he replied chuckling and said goodbye.

Frida slowly got out of bed, taking a few more seconds to sweep away the last residues of tiredness and drowsiness, and went in search of her son.


Benny put his keys in the lock and hurried in, stamping his feet on the mat in front of the door to clear some snow. He closed the door with his back, his hands full of bags, and with no small difficulty pressed the button to arm the alarm.

"Frida?" he called.

"I'm in the kitchen!" she yelled back.

Benny quickly walked towards the kitchen, enjoying the warmth of the house that completely enveloped him. It was awful weather outside, the television had warned to be careful that evening due to ice and blizzards, so he was more than happy to finally be home.

"Hey" he smiled, finding Frida sitting on the kitchen island, munching on some bread sticks.

"Hey!" she smiled at him, standing up and walking towards him.

Benny had time to leave the bags on the kitchen island before being tackled by her. He chuckled "Hey, what a welcome!" he murmured against her hair.

Frida hugged him tightly, burying her face in his neck "Hmm, I'm sorry".

"Hey, babe... Enough, ok? No one is to blame, the important thing is that you are well" he told her, looking into her eyes. Then his face lit up with a huge smile "And how are we in here instead?" he told her, sliding his hand from her cheek to her baby bump.

Frida smiled brightly "Everything is fine in there too... Except that I have no strength, that at every slightest occasion I sleep for 4 consecutive hours and I wake up more tired than before and that I look like a hot air balloon" and she dropped her forehead against his shoulder.

He chuckled and kissed her, then descended to place a small kiss on her baby bump "You're beautiful. You two are beautiful" and then he moved away from her to start getting dinner out of her bags.

She narrowed her eyes "How do you know?".

"How do I know what?" he told her without taking his eyes off the bags.

"That we're beautiful?" she told him, sitting back on the stool at her counter.

He grinned "You think he or she could have what? 3 ears, 4 eyes and 6 arms?".

"Could be".

He looked at her, making a face "Well, he or she is ours. It'll be just perfect".

Frida pursed her lips not to smile. He looked at her.

"What? Don't you think?" he said to her bewildered "In fact, it'd be even cooler!".

Frida rested her chin on her hand and giggled "It'll be perfect. He or she will be. I just hope it has your eyes" she concluded softly.

He finished emptying the bags and walked over to her "Oh, no. I hope he or she will have your eyes" and he kissed her softly "Or, having 4 eyes, it could have two with your color and two with mine".

Frida burst out laughing and he followed suit.

When they calmed down, he brought the containers of food closer and handed her some, starting to eat.

"How did it go at the doctor's?" she asked after a while.

"Hm, normal" he said tersely.

She looked at him for a few moments and insisted "Can you be more specific?".

Benny took a deep breath and chewed the morsel "It's not easy to talk about your problems, you know? It makes you aware that you haven't been able to see something that big in front of your eyes and it makes you ask questions".

She listened to him in silence and then squeezed his hand "Benny, your problem is common to many people, it's only the whys that differentiate one person from another. And you're looking for help and many don't. Focus on this. You're getting better. You're already getting better and you don't even notice it" she told him with a fierce smile, tucking a strand behind his ear.

Benny stared at her for a few moments and then nodded, lowering his gaze and tormenting his piece of pizza "It's still a long way... It's hard...".

"But you'll make it" she said confidently, squeezing his hand.

He smiled "But we'll make it" and winked at her "In the meantime... We've a baby on the way... a wedding to organize" he said in an amused tone.

"Hmm... Right... The wedding" Frida took another bite of her Quiche "Are you still not tired of asking me?".

Benny laughed, shaking his head "Never".

"Good" she murmured, kissing him deeply "Because as soon as this one is born, you better take me to the altar, mister".

"Can't wait!" he exclaimed with a grin, kissing her.

The end.

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