Chapter 45 - Breathe

Start from the beginning

"Thank you. You don't know how much I wish I could tell you everything but I can't tell you anymore about it, I'm sorry, but you'd be involved in too much. I've already said too much." I replied. I looked to her again. She had calmed down, her fair skin now somehow glowing on her face. In that moment I wanted to just go up to her and put a hand on her shoulder, but I didn't. I remembered my boundaries.

"Listen, what I was saying earlier... I don't know why you had a panic attack. You should probably try and figure out the triggers. And maybe think about seeing someone?" She looked to me as if to question what I was suggesting. "In the meantime, however, you can think of it like this. Panic attacks are temporary. In the moment yes, it's like everything is crumbling on top of you. But remember. It's only temporary. You can fight through it. Remember who you are. Don't let something small hurt you like this." I got up at the end of my speech and extended my gloved hand out for her to get up.

"Thanks." She said quietly and got up without having to use it. She walked past after wiping her eyes, trying to act like nothing happened. I caught up to her and sat in front of her table. Matteo came and brought my coffee.

"Look, I'm calling your brother. No arguments." Aliha gave a glare of death when I said that.

"If I may?" Matteo whispered and I allowed him to say his piece.

"Miss Aliha, you must understand that he has good intentions only. He wants to make sure he's doing right by you and knows your brother is the right man to talk to." Matteo said.

Aliha sighed.

"Fine. You know he's gonna be overprotective and worry about me right?" She asked me.

"Yes, he may be, but things are different this time. He's got Hiba. You have too." I said, and it was like a lightbulb lit up in her head.

"Okay, fine. But if he says he's coming, tell him not to bother. I'm going home anyways." She said packing her things and getting her purse out.

"Don't worry, I've got this one. You can get the bill for whatever it is next time we meet properly." I said getting my wallet out. Before she could argue I gave my debit card to Matteo who took it to the cashier.

I called up Arsalan.

"Assalamu alaikum, what's u—?" He asked. I cut him off, knowing the words I was about to say need to be delivered swiftly and calmly.
"—Wa alaikum assalam, it's your sister I'm calling about. You know Matteo's? I've just come into that coffee shop which coincidentally aliha is also in. She's just had a panic attack."

"WHAT???" He exclaimed, causing me to have to move the phone to avoid ear damage.

"Is she—"
"—She's fine, took a bit of talking from the other side of a locked door but she's fine." I heard a sigh of relief over the phone.
"Alhamdulillah! Okay can you do me one favour and drive her home please?" He asked.

"Put Matteo on please." He asked.

Wow, they all know this place?

I did what he asked and gave the phone to Matteo.

"Ian..." Aliha started. "I don't think I thanked you properly. Things could have gone a lot worse and you were there for me. So thank you."

"Aliha please. This is nothing compared to—"
"—Here you go!" Matteo gave me my phone and then gave me a slight glare.

'Ah. That's why.' I thought. I was about to say something unnecessary.

"I mean, you are like a sister to me. So yes, it's important for me to protect you too." I said swiftly after that.

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