Chrollo lucilfer; phantom of the opera

Start from the beginning

✨Flashback incoming

Your breathing hitched as you felt regret swell up inside of you. You felt regret meeting this man though he strangely saved your life. You regretted entering his suite with him but if you hadn't then you would've been hit in crossfire. And you think you want to regret climbing on top of his lap during the show straddling him while he had a firm grip on each ass cheek swapping dna with each other messily. You slowly move your hips on his hard member grinding back and forth on what you felt through his pants, you accidentally knock off the tie wrapped around his head exposing his tattoo and you only found him even more attractive. He began sliding his hands up your dress exposing your bare ass when you shuddered stopping him in between kisses
"Mmmh we shouldn't right here." You suggest slowing down the pace of the mood. You felt his hand tighten into a fist slowly behind your back before he retracted his arm sliding your dress back down.
"No worries, I can wait." He says leaning back in the chair with you still in front of him "besides I love this view right here." He grins mocking his hands into a picture frame in front of your face.
You giggle striking a pose and took a deep breath before reassuring him "don't worry, you won't be waiting long." You wink after resting your hand on his chest. As soon as those words left your lips all you remember was an explosion then gunshots and people screaming. It sounded like there was a massacre down below in the main audience while Chrollo held you in his arms covering your ears like a lost, scared puppy.
There was a ringing in your ears when you feel his body shifting underneath you, you knew he was talking, you felt the low vibrations from his chest bounce around your head but you were too terrified to open your eyes, your body couldn't move. You couldn't tell what he was saying, or see who he was talking too then suddenly someone grabs your arm and snatches you from his arms you open your eyes enough to see him still remained seated while someone covered your face with something obscuring your vision and that's all you recall from that night before you woke up here.
✨end of flashback

"But if you think I'm just wasting my time waiting then maybe I should just take what I want from you." He continues tossing his napkin aside he begins to stand
Oh no he's loosing control again you thought. "Wait wait wait...." You beg grabbing his arm pushing him back down into the chair.
He groans out "mmmh I love that look of despair on you, it's my favorite." He responds biting his lip while reluctantly taking a seat back into his chair. He motions his pointer finger towards you telling you to come here, you feel the hair on the back of your neck stand, unsure of what's to come. You stand up slowly, shaking and walk around the table towards him and he opens his arms uncrossing his legs, he lightly taps his thighs welcoming you into his lap.
He liked to hold you at night and read to you, ancient historical things. His voice was so soothing and what he read was so boring you'd doze off pretty quickly. So you were slowly getting used to him wanting to constantly touch you wrapping his arms around you and holding you. If this was the only affection he needed and kept you alive then you were fine with it, you didn't want to upset him.
You sit down with your back facing his chest and lean back on his right shoulder and began to pout slightly but shortly after looking at him you got lost in the moment staring at his profile..... He looked so soft to you almost angelic you absentmindedly reached your hand up gently grazing his chin.
"Hmmm?" He hums lightly turning his neck towards you wondering what you were doing. You turn your body and run your hand down his neck into his collarbone before bringing your hand back up playing with his hair softly. He slowly snaked his arm around your waist you felt goosebumps raise in his skin up his neck
"I didn't realize you were so touch starved" you whispered in his ear
"Me?" He replies smirking
He slides his hand into your shirt almost startling you when he started lightly pinching and flicking at your already erect nipples. He was right you hadn't noticed, so focused on him your arms were covered in goosebumps his touch felt electrifying you didn't understand, how were you enjoying this so much? What is it about his touch that makes you attracted to him right now... it was like a guilty pleasure you were so embarrassed you prayed he wouldn't reach into your underwear to see how unbelievably wet you've become. A few seconds later as if he could read your mind you were horrified as his other hand slowly began to creep below your waist band, you jerk your hips away from his hand unwillingly popping your ass on his groin and he whispers and coos into your ear softly
"Shhh shhh. it's ok baby i just wanna feel.... I just want to see if you're lying to me." He whispers while giving your neck light Eskimo kisses while he traces his tongue along your neck your body shaking intensely from this action.
You felt as his fingers rushed into your panties between your legs and then slowly grazed your sensitive bud he ran his fingers down to your entrance coating himself in your juices as if you needed proof that you were wet. You watched as his face showed a change in expression it from curiosity to enlightened. You're sure your panties were drenched from his subtle touches then a soft moan escaped your lips and you felt like your body betrayed you when he ran his fingers along your wet slit a couple of times circling his fingers along your clit. You gasped lightly when he pulls his fingers out in front of you and began to bring it towards his mouth slowly you felt the hunger vibrate off his body in a split second decision you interfered quickly blocking him he inadvertently stuck his fingers down your throat. You gag slightly from the sudden intrusion but your instincts told you that if he had a taste of you, he would loose himself and fuck you senseless right then and there and though your body was enjoying this you weren't 100% sure that was what you wanted, despite your body betraying your heart. You truly fell victim to his charisma.
"Wha, huh what was that for?" He groans out upset licking the after taste left on his fingers, he turns your chin towards his lips and kisses you deeply. He hasn't kissed you since the night you met he immediately began pushing his tongue into every corner of your mouth and lips trying to get a taste. While his tongue greedily explored between your lips he snuck his fingers back into your panties and thrusted a finger inside of you.
"Aahh" you whimpered out into his kiss. Your face scrunched from the sudden fingering half lidded high from his kiss you saw him staring at your facial expressions feeding off your energy.
"Fuck you're so pretty baby, mmmh gonna make you mine... I promise." He says repeatedly to you between your lips as he's pushing his digits into you,
"Please baby... I'll take care of you... I'll give you whatever you want... Be mine?" He murmurs into your ears you felt the heat rise to your face as your breathing picked up. You were gonna cum, right now on him you couldn't believe it as you were trying to fight it, twitching and moving only seemed to have made him more excited as he now held your thigh open with one hand he quickened his pace with the other, you heard the squelching sounds of how wet you'd become, you looked down watching his hand pump in and out of you with disgust and pleasure clouding your eyes you felt your body release you couldn't hold it anymore as your body convulsed trembling in his arms
"There you go baby" he encourages "mmm just like that.... you're doing so good for me" he whispered praising your orgasm through to the end circling his thumb along your clitoris. When your body relaxed in his lap you feel a wet spot on your ass and knew that couldn't be you, you shift before standing up to see he came in his pants when your hips were bucking wildly trying to fight it off. He sat there hunched over staring at the wet spot in his pants and back to you
"See what you do to me, babygirl? Now tell me I don't make you feel the same?" He says reassuringly before moving to unzip his pants he pulls out his cock, that was still semi hard it was your first time actually seeing it and brings the hand he used to finger you with to the head of his cock and rubbed your cum up his shaft to swirl it in with his cum at the tip. He lets out a low moan as he stared deeply into your eyes while slowly stroking himself.
"I can't feel the real thing today" he paused slightly before smirking "but I'm sure I won't be waiting long." He winks at you before putting himself away.
This is what he is waiting for you figure, he wants for you to give yourself to him. He's figured out it's much more pleasurable that way than for him to just take it. Just like how your legs opened up for him, he wants you to welcome him into you. How he's staring at you tells it all, he's going to devour you.

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