Chapter 1

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Reborn out of wedlock

I gained consciousness and I started to feel incredibly uncomfortable. I feel like I'm confined in a small space. I felt as if I've been moving down a tunnel so I waited to be taken to the end of it. the dark and wet environment would've made me gag but I can't right now, well I can't at all. I eventually felt my legs enter open air, with the rest of my body following. 

I plopped onto the floor and attempted to look around but bright, really bright lights made me shut my eyes again. It almost hurt to see lights so bright but eventually I opened my eyes and adjusted to the lighting. Looking around I saw something that I didn't want to see first thing after being born. I discovered my mother to be... oh fuck my mother is THE SCP-939-1 and she is still giving birth.

I couldn't stop looking as my fellow 939 instances got birthed, there were nine in total but one of them ended up dead before being born so our mother cannibalized them. I think I gagged but I probably didn't.

After they were all born 939-1 got heavily sedated by guards, they brought me into a cell and gave me a designation, mine ended up being SCP-939-A7. The Scientists put drawing supplies in my room after a while, I'm not sure about the others but they got something too I guess.

I was a bit of an artist when I was a Janitor, it was more of a way to pass time but it worked wonderfully. My drawings were decent but not something that a person would call impressive. So I decided to be a little malicious and drew an instance of SCP-939 standing up while holding a pistol. The drawing wasn't the greatest but it was funny. I then drew some cute drawings of 939. At the end of the day D-class were sent to retrieve the pictures and left without becoming dinner.

[Data Expunged] Years later.

I'm in adolescent stages and I'm getting closer to becoming an actual 939. I forgot how long it has been since my rebirth into the SCP universe. Here's a brief summary of how my life has been to keep you up to date.

The Scientists did an Intelligence test on me to test how smart I am and I think I'm correct to believe my scores were too high on the test because they said I "could become a researcher if I weren't an SCP" by scientists. Though that is bullshit from the get-go, Dr. Bright is literally an SCP. Some time after my intelligence test SCP-079 caused a containment breach that led to the deaths of nearly every personnel in the facility. I didn't leave my cell for even a second because I'd rather pretend everything is alright while monsters like SCP-173 and 106 are roaming around the facility. MTF forces were deployed and found me in my cell drawing random squiggly lines, which is also how I found out that the other instances of SCP-939-A# died during the breach. Their deaths hurt me until I realized that they were just going to turn into monsters like their mother anyways so it was probably for the better. After the breach at site-19 I was moved to Site-02 where I was given sedatives the whole trip there to keep me unconscious. Though I don't think giving drugs to children is a good idea.

I got placed into another cell but was given nothing to keep myself distracted so I just did what every bored person would do and found literally anything to do to keep myself entertained, which I managed to do for a long time until I ran out of things to do. So I just laid on the floor and did nothing. For a long time.

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