"He does not have any girlfriends." she said, crossing her arms.

"Come on mate... Let's be serious. Have you seen how many girls throw themselves at him? Or that comment on his posts? He also always has a new girl around his arm, I just don't want you to get hurt."

She started looking down at her feet, she didn't want to hear it but she knew it was true.

"Y/N, you're my best friend. I care about you. I don't want you getting caught up with some playboy who has a reputation for this kind of stuff."

"But Hop what if he-"

"And Leon? My brother? You've known Lee as long as you have me, why now? I just... He's the unbeatable champion Y/N. He hardly makes time for his family, why would he be able to have all this free time now? And the trainer he endorsed? You saw what happened at that party, imagine if anyone else knew about this."

"But Hop I-"

"Not to mention, I'm pretty sure he and Sonia have a thing. Although, he did just deny it when he asked about you the other da- wait, he asked me if you had a boyfriend, so he must like you too? But what about Sonia? Not to mention Raihan has been very touchy with you and kissed your head? So they both also like you? I'm confused..." Hop said, trying to put all of this together.

"Hop, can you just-"

"Look. I don't think either of them are good for you Y/N. I love Lee, but he has his own things he has to figure out first, and it's not fair for either of them to lead you on. Remember how upset you were when Bar-"

"We don't talk about him." she interrupted.

"Fine. Remember how hurt you were last time you liked someone because of him? I just don't want that to happen again. They're not good for you. Not right now at least. Especially Raihan. He's just known for that kind of stuff. I love him, and I know he's Leon's best friend and rival, but just try and believe me when I tell you this. Just take some space from both of them, okay?"

Y/N knew Hop was right. He cared about her and loved her more than anything, but she didn't want to believe it. Maybe Leon and Raihan did really like her, and maybe neither wanted to hurt her. But how could she know for sure?

"Look, Marnie is about to go on. How about after I go we'll grab some food. Just the three of us, it'll be nice to take a break okay?"

"Yeah, okay..." she sighed.

The two put their focus onto the field, as Marnie walked out and they started to cheer for her. Raihan was confused why Y/N didn't come back to stand by him, but he didn't ask. He went over to stand by her and Hop, while Hop gave him a side eye.

As Marnie beat Nessa, they decided they would go meet her in the lobby, while Hop needed to go change.

"We'll be right back." Y/N said to Raihan as they left him in the room.

Once Marnie came out, they congratulated her and wished Hop luck as he was next to face Nessa. The two girls headed back to the suite where Raihan was, as Hop left to begin the challenge.

Y/N was awfully quiet, which concerned Marnie.

"Hey, you okay?" she questioned.

"Oh uh yeah, I'm okay Marnie." Y/N said as she gave her a soft smile. "I think Hop mentioned something about grabbing food after this?"

"Sounds fun! That boy is always hungry." Marnie laughed.

As they walked back into the suite, they noticed Chairman Rose was there. Why was he there again? It was starting to seem suspicious.. but maybe Y/N was just over thinking.

Torn Between Two (Leon x Reader x Raihan) Where stories live. Discover now