chapter 1

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(your outfit for today)

(your outfit for today)

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Your pov

I was in bed looking at my phone I then got up and went to the kitchen and saw Brad he was making coffee making me walk over to the fridge.

"Hey can I also get some coffee"

"Of course how do you like it?"

"Some milk and two spoons of sugar"

"Okay you got it"

"Thanks Brad"

I said smiling

"No problem kiddo"

I then saw him walk to the my little siblings backpacks and backed their lunch I then Took out some left over pizza.

"Hey,Dylan!good morning"


I  looked at Dylan and rolled my eyes

"Good morning, Mr, Whitaker"

"Good morning,Megan"

"Can you please put this on the fridge?"

I then closed the fridge and walked over to the table

"Well,sure did you do another drawing of our family?"



"That's me and Dylan and y/n and mommy"

"So great"

"And over here,far,far,far away,is you"

I heard Megan say all her pictures she drew of us is sweet but she sometimes draws bard dead or doesn't even include him in the drawings.

"Oh?and am I wearing a baseball cap?"

"That's the knife in your head cause I was killing you in the eye"

"Oh,I see well,I love how you drew my hair"

"That's poop"

"Well, it's well-drawn and I'm guessing it's dog poop?"

"That's homeless man poop"


I sighed and shook my head and I saw him place to plates onto the table for my younger siblings and then he came back with my coffee

"Thanks Brad"

"Your welcome"

He then walked away and I drank some coffee and it tasted really good.

A few years later

I was in my room doing homework while listening to loud music I don't know why it helped me concentrate a lot of course with Airpods of course so I don't disturb everybody.

I then felt someone tap my shoulder making me take off my airpods and turn to the person and saw Brad.

"Oh hi dad I mean Brad!I'm sorry"

"No hey hey it's fine you can call me dad"

He said smiling and me smile

"What did you need dad?"

"Well I wanted to ask if you want to watch the movie with us"

He asked clapping his hands together

"I would love to"

I then got up and we then walked to the couch and I saw my siblings and mom I then saw on a single couch and Brad sat on the couch with my siblings.

"Anybody want a peanut?"

Said someone from the TV making us laugh then the phone suddenly rang

"I'll get it!"

He then got up and answered the phone


My heart then sank and I looked at Dylan

'you've got to be kidding me'

"Hi!where are you?where's Cameroon?is that gunfire?cool!"

"Daddy,daddy!I want to talk to daddy"

I shook my head and rolled my eyes


"Do your ex is calling,huh"

Mom then sighed


"What a treat for the kids it's been a long time"



"I hope he fucking dies in a car crash"

I said getting off the couch I then stormed into my room and shut the door,then I let out a frustrated scream.

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