Alex was made to lay in her bed as Poppy ran tests. Alex made her let Harry stay. Poppy then left to fetch Alex some food. Thats when the questions started. "So this is why you left?" He asked carefully. Alex nodded and put her hands on her belly. "Yeah, he can never find out." Alex said. Harry gave her a look of confusion. Alex smiled softly. "Severus is the father, Harry." Alex explained. Harry nodded. "Well, your going to be a great mum, Alex." Alex beamed. "So what have I missed?" Harry then filled her in and Alex frowned. "You think Severus is a Death Eater?" Alex asked. Harry nodded. Alex smiled softly and put her hand on his arm. "Harry, Severus just lets him think he is." Alex explained. He frowned. "Then why did he make an unbreakable vow to keep Draco safe?" He asked. Alex frowned. Harry explained what that was and Alex went pale. "He what?" She asked slowly but before she got her answer, Poppy came in.

Alex sat up, holding a pillow over her stomach as she relaxed. There was a knock at the door and it opened to reveal Minerva. She stood by the door as she scanned Alex for any bruises. Alex smiled. "Hi mum." She whispered. Minerva let a shaky breath escape her. "Why did you leave?" She asked. Alex held the pillow to her tighter. Poppy walked in and walked over to Alex. "Here is your potion and if you drink it, you can go see Severus." She barginned Alex downed it. "Could you help me up?" Alex asked with a blush. Poppy smiled and helped Alex up. The pillow fell to the floor and Minerva gasped. "HE GOT YOU PREGNANT?!" She shreiked. Alex couldn't find the words. "Severus did, Minerva." Poppy explained. Minerva looked like she was going to pop her top. Poppy helped Alex undress and put on a floor length, white maternity dress that had off the shoulder straps. Alex and Poppy glidded past Minerva and into the hall.

The bell rang as Alex walked into the Hospital Wing. Alex saw Severus and ruched to him. She cupped his cheek and he stirred. Alex kissed his cheek and moved her lips to his ear. "Please wake up, Severus. I need and want you. Our child needs and wants you." She whispered. She looked over his face and noticed his eyes flutter open. "There's our hero." Alex purred. He snorted as she kissed his cheek. Alex stood up straight as he sat up. He put his hand on her stomach and felt the small hand press up against it through her stomach. His eyes twinkled. "If anyther were to happen to either of you... I'd be sent to Azkaban." He said seriously. Alex smiled softly but then frowned. "Why did you take an unbreakable vow to protect Draco?" Snape froze. "I thought we agreed-"
"I wasn't in your head, Harry told me." She said sharply. He sneered. "Oh course he did." He spat. Alex looked at him expectantly. "Its nothing, Alex." He said with a sigh. Alex crossed her arms, which was hard due to the her swollen belly. "Severus Snape, you tell me right now. As the mother of your unborn child and your fiancé, I deserve to know why you have put your life on the line!" Alex hissed. Snape gulped. She was pretty intimidating when she put it that way. "Its nothing." He said and reached for her but Alex moved out of his reach. She was angry with him and he knew it. "Why are you mad?" He asked. "Its nothing." She said, mocking the tone he used. She turned and left the Hospital wing.

Alex walked into the Great Hall and all eyes turned to her. Albus stood. "Ah, Alex!" He greeted. Alex nodded as she glided toward the table. Slytherins rose and bowed. Alex rolled her eyes and walked around the table. Albus summoned a chair beside his and made her sit. He sat and watched as Poppy added liver to Alex's plate. Then Minerva added Milk and then Alex felt smothered as the two women started arguing about what was healthy for Alex to eat. Alex sighed as Albus chuckled. Snape strode into the room and he was all Alex could look at. He glanced towards her and smirked as he saw the lust fill her. Alex quickly reminded herself she was angry with him and cursed the hormones. Alex grabbed a piece of stake and started to scoff it down. She then drank the milk eagerly. Severus sat at the other end of the table and looked toward his fiancé, watching her eat. He then stood and walked over to stand behind Alex. He bent down and put his lips close to her ear. "Come with me." He purred causing Alex to shiver. Alex got up and followed him to the door behind the staff table. They walked inside and Snape shut the door. He turned on Alex and her breathing sped up. "I'm still angry with you." Alex growled. Snape waved his wand and Alex heard the door lock as she gulped. Alex felt her back make contact with the wall. "You are very tempting when your angry too." He purred. Alex felt like she was the mouse and he was the cat. "Severus, there is people out there, namely my mum." Alex said hesitantly. Snape moed closer. "I am aware, Alex. I do have eyes." He purred. Alex swallowed hard as he started to undo his frock coat. "Oh gods." She whispered as he revealed his dress shirt. He was so close to her. "My dear, not even they will save you." He said huskily.

Promise kept. Alex walked out of that closet with a dazed expression but looked completely the same as she did going into the closet. Snape wore a smug smirk as she swept from the room glowing. He sat down beside Minerva as Albus chuckled. "What were you doing in there?" Minerva asked suspiciously. Snape smirked as he took a sip of his tea. "Profilling my pregnant fiancé's desires, Minerva." He aswered causing Albus to choke on his drink.

Alex sat on a rocking chair, reading a magazine for baby things and eating a cookie in front of the fire in Severus' room. A knock came from the foor and Alex waved her hand causing the door to open. Alex looked to see Grubbyplank enter. Alex set her magazine down. She stopped when she saw Alex. "What are you doing in here?" The woman asked. Alex smiled. "Well, I am in my Fiancé's room, eating cookies, reading a magazine and caring for our unborn child," the wome was gapping at Alex. "What can I do for you, ma'am?" Alex asked. Grubbyplank then smirked evily. "I was looking for Severus, it seems he forgot to tell you about us." She purred. Alex's smile fell but then she smirked. "You say that but," Alex held up her engagement finger with the ring on it. "I'm the one he is marrying." Grubbyplank glared at her. "Your just a little whore. He loves me." She hissed. Alex moved to get up but winced as she felt a hard kick from within her. "Ok, professor. You need to go because you are upsetting Severus and I's unborn child." Alex said firmly, settling back down on the chair. "I will not take orders from a child." She growled. Alex looked up at her and bared her fangs. "Listen lady, I am not a child. I will out live you by centuries so now I am asking you to leave." Alex hissed. The women smirked and sat down. Alex moved to say something but there was a sharp pain causing her to hiss. Alex rubbed the side of her belly. Alex groaned and tried getting up but couldn't. "I need Madam Pomfrey." Alex hissed as she breathed heavily. Grubbyplank just sat there glaring at her. Alex cried out in pain as she leaned forward and gripped her stomach. "GET POPPY!!" Alex screamed at the infieriating women but she didn't move. Alex saw blood trickle down her leg. Alex screamed and cried as she felt more pain hit her. Just like a night and shining armer, Secverus strode in and saw Alex. He rushed forward but Grubbyplank got in his way. "I was waiting for you, love." She purred. Severus shoved her out of the way as he rushed to Alex. "Whats wrong Alex?! Breath." He demanded. He then saw the blood. He cursed and picked her up, carrying her to the bed and laying her down while summoning the medi-witch.

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