"Must have been a bad break up. He doesn't seem upset though." I mean they did only date for a couple weeks so I don't understand why she's this upset anyway. He really doesn't look upset right now, he's chasing Hanbi who stole the soccer ball and was just running with it. I laugh at the two idiots in front of us. Hyein gets up from my lap standing up reaching her arms out for me. I grab them and she lifts me up.

"None of us should be upset, let's go have fun!" Hyein smiles big, dragging me to the field where Hanbi and Jungwon and now Haerin and Danielle were running around chasing each other playing tag. I stood back watching the five of them run round the sea of students without a care in the world. I wish Minji was here with us. I wish she would open herself up so she could experience things like this with us.

Hyein threw the ball at Hanni's back causing her to trip and fall. Oh this isn't going to be good.

"LEE HYEIN YOU BETTER RUN OR I'LL KILL YOU!" Hanbi got up with a murderous look in her eyes as she started chasing the tall girl who was screaming.

"Hanbi please I'm sorry!" Hyein stopped running, putting her hands in the air in defense. Hanbi, however, didn't stop running and jumped on top of the girl making them both fall to the ground. Here we go....

"Hyein you little brat!" Hanbi started playfully hitting Hyein all over her body. Eventually she was dragged off by Jungwon who was laughing while pulling her off.

"I said I was sorry!" Heyin got off the ground dusting off her clothes with a pout on her face. Hanbi stopped thrashing in Jungwon's arms and he put her down. She stood there also pouting but eventually she just sighed.

"You're lucky you're cute!" Heyin smiles big, running up to Hanbi hugging her big while she pulls her off the ground jumping.

"Put me down you big goof!" Heyin placed Hanbi down giggling. God those two are a mess. I looked over at Jungwon who was laughing about something with Haerin and Danielle.

"Haerin said that your hair looks like a pineapple Hanbi." Jungwon said literally falling over almost in laughter. Everyone else was laughing too except Hanbi and Haerin. Haerin just had a small smile on her face and Hanbi looked even more furious.

"All I do is get bullied." Hanbi groaned, throwing her hands in the air.

"That's not true! We love you! Right Haerin?" I wrap my arm around Hanni's shoulder giving Haerin a wink who just nods back at me winking back.


Feb. 6, 1998

Today was a great day at school. I feel like the atmosphere has been dim lately, but today it felt like it used to. Confirmed Jungwon and Wonyoung did break up. I know I should be consoling him and making sure he's okay, but I'm glad they broke up. I know that makes me a terrible person but I just like him so much and now I may have a chance. Hopefully we'll see Minji soon, because this time I'm not letting her leave until she tells me what's up.




The first thing I saw when I came back was a weird drawing on my board with a sticky note telling me not to throw it away. I feel like I'm losing my mind. I whip open my journal on my desk seeing if whoever or whatever is doing this to me saw it or responded or something. What I am met with is shocking. Time traveling? Taking over my body? How is any of this possible?

Kim Minji? Why does she have the same name as me? I have so many questions I don't even know where to begin. She asks where I go when she takes over my body. The answer is I don't know. It just feels like I'm sleeping then I wake up and I'm where I last was. It's terrifying. It's like I have amnesia or something. At first I just thought I was losing my mind, but after the first few times I knew this was real and something was happening to me.

I look back up at the drawing with the sticky note that was presumably left by the other minji and just left a drawing of a thumbs up on it. Did she draw it? Is it from one of the friends she made while attending my classes at school because I know she is. I haven't been to school since the first day yet someone has been going for me. Should I be mad at her for doing this to me? I mean she wrote that she can't control it, but I should be upset right? I don't feel upset though...I just feel scared. Scared of what could happen to me when I'm not aware. She wouldn't do anything weird to me would she? I know she hasn't yet, but I'm still scared of it.

I take out my journal again to write her another note for when she comes back

Feb. 4, 1998

Hey other Minji, this is weird to talk to each other like this isn't it? You wanted to know where I go, well the answer is nowhere? It's like I'm asleep, but I don't dream. That heesoo girl called again today but I didn't answer. I didn't know what to say to her so I thought maybe it would be better for you to speak to her when she gets back. I guess I should thank you for attending my classes because my dad was starting to get worried for me. I told him I was sick today so he didn't make me go. I hope you'll continue to fill me in with what happens when you're in my body....so I'm not completely unaware when I get back. Eventually I'll have to speak to your friends I assume. Do they know you time travel? Let me know...thanks.

Minji (owner of this body)

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