Chapter 18: Nanny Goddess

Start from the beginning

But for this newly couple, that is not the reason to make them stop to love each other. Hermes told his mortal lover that she must not think too much, for he was here for her and most of all, they must prove that they are worthy for each other. That time, Hermes holds Marielle's hand.

They remembered how they met, that time where Hermes helped him and protected her against those men who wants to rob and harm her. Until they became friends and find Aphrodite and Athena accidentally, begun their journey and find Apollo and they don't even believe that their friendship can be grown into as lovers. How unexpected really time and life are, but they are looking forward to the new story and challenges they will face.

Then here, they decided to back to bed for sleep. Before they went together in room, Hermes kissed Marielle's forehead as a goodnight kiss. She can feel the sweetness of kiss and through that kiss, she felt the warm love of Hermes for her. She smiled and went together in that bedroom for sleep.

As many hours has passed, here comes the sun and it was another good weather for their journey. Again, they begin in their journey from Ohio to Indiana, where another Olympian detected. After two hours of travel, they reached Indiana. They quickly look at the detector to know where hospital in Indiana that this Olympian detected, it was in Indianapolis, at Kindred Hospital Indiana.

"It is not that far in this place." Williams said while he was driving the camp bus.

So, they quickly went to that hospital where the detector said. And finally, they reached their destination.

"Oh finally, we're here!" Aphrodite said in excitement.

As they went out the bus, they entered in that hospital to find where is that Olympian must be. As they are inside that hospital, they saw a reception there. Yes, they can finally find another Olympian, but the bad news is they didn't know how. They don't know what to ask to that nurse in that reception for they don't have an idea what is the name of that Olympian.

"What now? What must we going to do next?" Marielle asked.

But while they are thinking of an idea what to do, there is a woman who are crying and went outside that hospital that caught their attention. But Marielle feels so pity for that woman...

"Wait, that woman, I want to comfort her" Marielle said.

So, she quickly followed that woman, and the others think Marielle as a clumsy girl...

"Hey, come on Marielle, what are you doing!"

It's a no choice but they also followed Marielle.

Marielle saw the woman sit on the floor and wiping her eyes from grieving. Marielle slowly touched the woman's shoulder to comfort her...

"Miss, are you alright?"

The woman stared at her. Marielle can saw the pain in that woman's eyes. The woman stands and wipe her tears...

"Who are you, woman?"

Then the other Olympians including Williams finally arrived that area to follow Marielle.

But Hermes, Athena, Aphrodite and Apollo were surprised and shocked when they saw a woman. That woman is no other than Hera, the Queen of the Olympus!

As Hera saw them, she suddenly speechless. Is it just a dream? How is it possible that she found the other Olympians? That was exactly on her mind right now.

"You're here? Is this true?" Hera wondered.

The four Olympians embraced their queen for not just because they find another Olympian, but of course because it feels like a reunion for them and most of all, they found not just an Olympian, but the queen of Olympus, Hera. Athena introduced Marielle and Williams to her. She said that these mortals are the one who helped them to their journey to find the Olympians.

Yes, they saw her grieving, so this time, they dare to ask the queen...

"What happened, our queen? You are grieving earlier."

So that time, Hera bring them in a patient's room inside the hospital, in room 024. Inside that room, there are a girl child who are lying unconscious in the bed. Beside her was her parents crying while sitting beside her.

As Hera and the others entered the room, the father stands up and asked Hera...

"Nanny, who are they?"

And Hera told him that they were her brothers and sisters, Apollo, Hermes, Athena, and Aphrodite. And that time, Hera introduced the parents and the child as well. Jayson was the father, Cecille is his wife, and that child was Stacy. And Hera said that she was their nanny. She was taking care of Stacy when the family helped her. And that child suffers from Stage 4 brain cancer.

And that time, Jayson already knew that these brothers and sisters of their nanny was the Olympians, and he already know that their nanny was the Olympian because she told it to them already. For him, it was a blessing to meet the gods and goddesses.

Apollo, also the god of healing who heals Daphne from her blindness with his music, tries to heal the child by holding the unconscious child's hand. Unluckily, it didn't work nor healed her, she's still unconscious. For he just has less power left for healing since his immortality disappeared and that girl Stacy has a worst disease than Daphne. He apologized for he can't heal the girl.

At that moment, while they are in that Stacy's room, Hera remembered her relationship with Stacy. Everyone knows that she was wrathful and short-tempered goddess. But that child helped her to change, she remembered how the family accepted her. So, she tells the Olympians and to Marielle and Williams about her life as a nanny and how the family helped her, especially Stacy.

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