Chapter Thirty One

Start from the beginning

The boy shook his head adamantly, his eyes going everywhere but at the two standing in front of him.

"Y-You can't.. they d-don't know I'm h-here."


Utter silence.

It took a long minute before either the Prince or teacher spoke, neither of them expecting such an outcome at all.

"You didn't tell them?"

Mr, Baker finally broke the quiet, Sora shook his head softly.

"N-No, Sir.."

"And why not?"

The boy bit his lip to stop it from trembling, but Aiden and the teacher noticed.

"T-They wouldn't a-allow it if
I d-did.."

It was quiet again apart from his sniffling and Aiden didn't know what to say. Why would anyone not want their kid in a specialized expensive academy?

Who in their right mind would be upset with the news of their child being accepted into such a prestigious institution?

"What makes you think they wouldn't allow it? If it is about money then that is ridiculous seeing as you got in for free on account of your impeccable grades."

"N-No.. they h-hate dragons, i-if they find out I d-did this behind their

He shivered, a pained expression making itself known on his face.

Aiden glanced over to the teacher, hoping he would have a good response, but the man's pinched expression and deep frown didn't bode well.


The old man released a drawn out sigh, obviously frustrated with the situation. Although he seemed to be thinking rather hard on what to do and Aiden was sure he could come up with a plan, but before he said anything a thought popped into the Prince's head.

"Could you walk with crutches?"

Mr, Baker spared the Prince a brief glance before turning to look at Sora for his response. The boy nodded and that was all the Prince needed to see.

"Okay, I'll go to the infirmary and we'll get this situated for now. But if you start feeling worse you have to say something, okay?"

"I-I will..! Thank you, a-a lot, thank you a lot."

Aiden nodded, looking to Mr, Baker for his reaction.

"I won't be long just a few minutes. Make sure he doesn't try to walk."

The old man sighed.

"Of course, Your Highness."

The walk to and from the infirmary seemed to last hours, when in reality it was only a few minutes. But Aiden still couldn't get the fear on Sora's face out of his head, just what kind of people is he living with?

This is ridiculous, I can't believe people even think like that. He'd never met anyone that hated dragons, especially not to the extent that Sora's adoptive parents seemed to.

If they were willing to keep him from joining the academy and making a better life for himself, then he was willing to bet they didn't treat him very well.

Of course, the Prince didn't know exactly how bad it was.

And he wouldn't, unless Sora says something.

Finally he made it back to the office, when he opened the old door he was met with Sora still sitting in the armchair, but this time he had a cup of tea in his hands.

"Y-You're back..!"

The Prince chuckled, making his way over to the boy. Noticing a distinct lack of the teacher.

"Where is Mr, Baker?"

"Ah.. class started a few m-minutes ago and it would be s-strange for him to be late."

"Oh.. well let's get you there as well."

Sora nodded, taking a second to finish his tea before sitting the empty cup down. The Prince leaned forward and grabbed the boys hands to help him stand, making sure to keep the weight off his injured ankle.

"Okay, how do you feel?"

"Good, pretty good I-I'll be okay."

Sora smiled shyly and his cheeks turned slightly pink.

"Alright, I do wish I could walk you but.. well, I was told on the way back here that my father wanted to see me."

"Oh gosh. No, no you go do whatever you have to, y-you've already helped me a lot a-and I don't want to k-keep the king waiting..!"

The Prince sighed and nodded. They walked together towards the office door but before Aiden opened it he paused, turning to look at Sora.

The boy smiled, confusion clear on his face. But before he could question anything Aiden leaned forward and hugged him.

Sora gasped, grabbing onto the Prince's suit jacket to stop himself from leaning too far to the side.

"I'll see you later, be careful."


He let the boy go, waiting to make sure he wasn't going to fall before he quickly retreated out of the office.

He tried not to let the nervousness show as he made his way down the hall, but hugging Sora like that made his heart race unhealthily fast and that wasn't easy to hide.

Shortly after he turned the corner he heard the heavy office door open and shut, followed by the sounds of Sora walking and the crutch hitting the ground.

Aiden sighed. How long could he keep his feelings from Sora? The boy has surely noticed his strange actions, but at the same time Aiden was sure he didn't want to stop.

he even wanted Sora to know.

Maybe,he even wanted Sora to know

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