"I always behave."

Eyes roll as they look at the USWNT star who's been making front page news of late.

"I promise that I'll behave and if not, Sue, will have my ass; okay?"

Kasey nods, "Make sure you order dessert."

"Yes, Ma'am! Thanks, Wild."

"Uh huh, next time perhaps don't lead with the whole, do you know who I am, angle. Pierre, is a diehard Les Blues fan and you broke his heart in the last match."

"Oops, my bad!"

As Megan walks away, Kelley turns to Kasey, "Is that seriously what happened?"

Kasey smiles and nods, "Yep. Well, also, he thinks she's a scrawny, whiny, bitch, but she doesn't need to know that."

Kelley bursts out laughing, "Oh my God! Wait, Pierre is that the guy we took pictures with?"

Kasey nods, "Yeah. He loves me because I'm a good tipper and also, because, I got tickets to the Final for him and his daughter."

"Don't kid yourself, Kase; everyone loves you. Well, maybe except for the psycho who broke into your changeroom."

Kasey smiles, "I mean, what's not to love? I'm hot as fuck, can sing, dance, write songs, kick ass on the pitch and also, I like to think that I'm a good person, along with being an amazing partner and Mom."

"Hot as fuck, huh?"

"That's what my wife tells me."

Kelley smiles, "Well, your wife is right." Kelley leans over and kisses her, "I'm going to go and rescue Kylie from the oldies, message if you need anything." They share another kiss before Kelley leaves the room to locate the youngest member of their family.

Kasey heads back to the hotel room and does her best to get comfy despite her insides and back giving her hell.

Knock ... knock

Having just closed her eyes, it takes her a minute to figure out where the sound is coming from before she very reluctantly climbs out of bed and heads to the door.


Kasey smiles, "Sup, Kriegs?"

"Came to check on you. KO, mentioned you weren't feeling the greatest and could maybe use a friend to chat with."

"Of course, she did."

Kasey backs up and allows Ali to come in the room before the two players grab a seat on the bed.

"So, what's going on?"

Tears begin to well up in Kasey's eyes before they run down her cheeks, "I can't keep up with everything, Kriegs. I'm doing my best, but it's like I'm always being pulled in a million directions and not even going in one. Does that make sense?"

Ali nods, "I know from our previous conversations that you've struggled with anxiety and depression in the past."

Kasey nods, "I stopped going to a shrink because I thought that I had everything under control and now, I can't help but feel overwhelmed."

Ali wraps her arms around the keeper and nods. "Let me guess you're also concerned that if you go to the staff with your concerns, you'll end up being benched?"

"Exactly. I just need to find a way to get through the tournament and then I'll be getting my ass right back on the shrink's couch."

"Is that a promise?"

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