"Tomorrow I'll definitely have an aching" "It just shows that you don't exercise your muscles enough" "I do train my muscles...just not as hard as you do" Algería wrapped herself in a blanket. It was much colder now that night was falling. "That's right, Free is more into mental training." Lui put cocoa and biscuits on the table. "Pass me my backpack, please" Lui looked around. "You could have gotten that before you even sat down" "Please big brother" Algería knew that Lui couldn't say 'no' to those words. He grumbled slightly, but still got her the backpack that was standing in the corner. "Thank you" Algería pulled out a tablet and turned it on. "Are you afraid that Phi challenged Free?" "A little yes..." Lui sat down next to her. "The league is broadcasting live..." Algería clicked on the stream. "Aiger Akabane's press conference..."

The two watched the live stream as Aiger once again challenged strong bladers. Everything was as usual until suddenly someone interrupted the press conference.

Algería took a closer look at this someone... "He looks like Phi..." "You don't know him? This is Hyde, a member of the Turbo Four and Phi's younger twin brother" "Hyde...He's might be as bad as his brother..." "If he really is Phi's twin brother, he's probably just like him..." "Hopefully not...One of those kind will do just fine" Hyde made an announcement to Aiger.

"I win the first battle with two points and in the second I double my points. You lose four to zero against me and then you can say goodbye to your title"

"That's an announcement" Algería opened a list and the data for Hyde. "He uses a bey called Dread Hades, a balance bey" "I've never seen him battle before but he's supposed to be as good as Phi...And after what Phi did to Fuerza...I doubt it Aiger has a good chance against Hyde" "We'll see...How far Aiger's resonance will go..." "The battle is tomorrow. You shouldn't be racking your brain about it" "I'm just worried..." Algería turned off the tablet. "You haven't known Akabane that long" "In the battle against Valt...Aiger said something that reminded me of Red Eye...And we both know what Red Eye was like back then" "You think that Akabane united with Achilles?" "Aiger doesn't know where he's going...He's too deep into it already" "Kurenai became him again after Aoi didn't give up on him" "Yeah but I don't think Aiger has anyone that close to him and understands that he is in danger" "And is that one of the reasons you want to come into Turbo Awakening?" "I know how much suffering the wrong resonance brings... I never want to see that again, you know?" Lui said nothing. The two remained silent. "You stand behind your friends, no matter what..." "That's just how I am and you know why" "No one knows that better than me...And Free" Algería had to laugh when she heard how annoyed Lui was as he said the blonde's name. "I guess I still have to get used to the fact that you're so close and I'm not the only one who knows what happened to you." Lui sighed and got up. "Don't stay up too late, tomorrow we'll have breakfast at 7 sharp." With that he disappeared.

The next day also consisted of training. Algería always tried to get into the turbo awakening with Fuerza, but still without success. "Why isn't it working?" "A simple explanation would be that you are not focused. Another would be that you and Fuerza are not really resonating" "But I'm really trying" "It can be, but a resonance is more just trying" "And you are the pro in resonance with your bey?" "I don't need something like Turbo Awakening" Algería sighed. "Let's take a break" "No, I have to make it...If I give up now, I'll never make it" Algería turned Fuerza to her launcher. "Let it rip" Fuerza landed in the arena without activating her turbo awakening. "That was nothing" Algería took her bey out of the arena and spun her to her launcher. "Let it rip" Nothing again.

She wanted to get her bey out of the arena again, but someone else came before her. Algería looked up. "Give me Fuerza back" Lui held the red bey tightly in his hand. "If I say it's enough, then it's enough" "Lui, give me Fuerza back" "Don't you notice it yourself? The more you push yourself, the less you make progress. It's no use stressing yourself out unnecessarily. We're taking a break" "But I-" "No buts! You came here to train with me, so you do what I tell you, do we understand?!" The girl said nothing. She knew that if she said 'no' now, she wouldn't get her bey back. She sighed. "...Okay..." Lui nodded and pocketed Fuerza. "Go take a shower. We're going to eat something" "I'm not hungry" "I am, so let's go into town" "Fine" Algería disappeared into the room to get her clothes out of her bag and then went to the bathroom.

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