Chapter XVIII: Finn Mikaelson and Heartwarming Moments

Start from the beginning

"Klaus, please understand that I love you and my other mates the same. I don't show any of you special attention above the others. It's hard sometimes with how many mates I have, sometimes I wish I just had one mate but I wouldn't change the way things are for anything in the world," Sage explains as she takes her mate's hand in her smaller one.

Klaus looks at his mate with love in his eyes. He knew that she struggled sometimes with having so many mates. Smiling at her Klaus leaned in and kissed her softly on her lips. The kiss was full of love and passion and when they finally broke apart, Sage looked at her mate before turning around, her back pressed up against his chest and she exposed her neck to him.

"Go ahead Niklaus, mark me," Sage said as she looked at Klaus from the corner of her eye.

Klaus looked at her in surprise before he started kissing her neck, right behind Elijah's mating mark. Seconds after Klaus started kissing Sage's neck, she let out a gasp of pain and pleasure as Klaus sank his fangs into her neck. Sage moaned in pleasure as Klaus drank from her, marking her as his mate. After a minute of drinking her blood, Klaus pulls back from Sage's neck before he bites his wrist and holds it in front of Sage's mouth.

"Drink," Klaus says in a husky growl.

Sage smiled as she took hold of Klaus' wrist and brought it to her mouth. Sage closed her lips around his bleeding wrist and takes a few mouthfuls of his blood, closing the wound but leaving his mark behind.  After pulling his wrist from his mate, Klaus turned Sage to face him.

"Are we good now, love," Klaus asked as he pulled her to his chest.

"Yes, my hybrid lover. Now we should go clean up and get ready to go to La Push with Stefan, Kol, and Damon," Sage said as she smiled at her mate.

Klaus nodded and took her hand as he led her back into the house. All of her mates, plus the Cullens, Aaron, and Finn were still waiting for the pair to return. Seeing the blood on Sage's neck Carlisle vamps to her to check and see if she is alright. When he doesn't see a wound but Klaus' mark on her neck instead he smiles at her in understanding.

"I'm okay Carlisle," Sage says as she places her hand on his cheek before pulling him down to her and pressing her lips against his.

Out of all her mates, Sage doesn't see Carlisle as much as she does the others. When their lips touch, Carlisle pulls her closer to his chest intensifying the kiss. Sage had to pull away to catch her breath, but when she looked up at her mate, she saw that his eyes were black with lust.

"Possiamo continuare questo più tardi, amore mio (We can continue this later, my love)," Sage said in Italian.

Carlisle smiled down at his mate before allowing her to go to her room to get ready for the trip. When Sage was out of the room, Klaus turned to Elijah and Damon.

"Did you notice that her blood tastes completely different from any other type of human's blood," Klaus asked the two vampires that have tasted their mate.

"Yes, somehow her blood tastes like sunshine," Damon said.

"What do you mean, brother," Stefan asked his older brother.

"It's hard to explain. You'll just have to taste her for yourself to no what we're talking about," Damon said.

"Don't worry Stefan, you won't go ripper from drinking from your mate. Your inner vampire will not allow it to happen. It's your instinct to protect your mate, not harm her," Alice said as she smiled at the ripper vampire.

"What's a ripper," Aaron asked as he held Esme in his arms.

"It's a nickname given to sadistic vampires who enjoy abusing, dispatching, and/or mutilating their victims. They usually have turned off their humanity, therefore simply not caring about their actions.  Vampires consumed by their own bloodlust, possess little to no control, usually mass murderers," Elijah explained.

"Stefan went through this faze back in Chicago during the 1920s," Damon explained causing Stefan to look away ashamed at his past.

By now Sage had returned and had heard everything that was said. Looking at Stefan, she could see how haunted by his past he was. Making her way over to him, Sage placed her hand on his cheek when she reached his side causing him to look at her with sad eyes.

"I will never think less of you Stefan for your past.  You are not that way anymore and that is all that matters.  I love you no matter what Stefan and I will always love you," Sage said as she pulled his head towards her and pulled laced their foreheads together so she could look him in the eyes.

"How did all nine of us get so lucky to have you as our mate?  You don't see us as monsters or killers but as if we were all still human," Stefan said as he placed his large hands on Sage's face, using his thumbs to rub over her cheeks in a loving gesture.

"None of you are monsters, because if you are then Sookie and I are freaks because we can read minds. Many people in our town think we're crazy," Sage replied.

"Sage, you and Sook are far from crazy or freaks.  For as long as I've known you and your sister I've never thought that about either of you," Aaron said.

Looking at the man she thought of as another older brother, Sage smiled at him.  Aaron returned the smile to his best friend's sister. 

"Aaron's right sweetheart," Esme said, "You will never be treated like that with us here."

Sage smiled at the motherly vampire in Aaron's arms. Ever since she met Esme, Sage had looked to her as a mother or an aunt.  After a few minutes of silence, Kol cleared his throat catching everyone's attention.

"I hate to break up this heartwarming moment but we should be going soon to meet up with Angela and the others in La Push."

"Right, well we will be back later," Sage said before she looked at Carlisle, "And we still have a date tonight."

Carlisle smiled at his mate before pulling her out of Stefan's arms and into his.

"Yes we do, love," Carlisle said before kissing the top of her head. "Now have fun with your friends at the beach but stay safe."

"I will, plus I don't think there will be too many problems unless Isabella starts something," Sage said.

"We'll keep her safe from that annoying human," Kol said as he picked up his baseball bat.

"Leave the bat here, idiot," Finn scolded his younger brother causing Kol to pout.

Sage gave a small giggle before going over to his side where she placed a quick kiss on his cheek.  Kol looked at his mate and pecked her on the lips before putting his arm around her shoulder to lead her into the garage.

"I'm riding with Sage on her motorcycle," Kol called as he continued walking to the garage with Sage in his arms.

The rest just rolled their eyes before making their way to the garage to get into Klaus' car.  Finn joined them when Alice mentioned to him that if he went with he'd finally find his mate, and not wanting to miss meeting her, Finn claimed into the passenger's seat next to his brother.

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