31. Become the Beast

Start from the beginning

The dagger dug deeper into Ferdinand's stomach and blood gushed out of his mouth. Cage fought against the magic bond. It only tightened the hold, making it hard to breathe.

"The only thing that matters in this world is power. And you know what gives power? Magic! They call me a collector, but I'm much more than that. I'm a consumer. And I will consume all the magic out of this wretched world. And it will tremble before my power."

Cage would've laughed if he had the ability. He had no idea what real magic was, what Cecile and even Alathea were capable of. For them, using magic was like breathing. They were using it like a weapon, and that was not its purpose.

Wolfbane's focused expression morphed into a blood curdling grin. The blade moved upwards, cutting through Ferdinand.

"No, what are you doing? Stop!" Cage tried harder, but his muscles wouldn't move. The sharp pain made him nauseous and lightheaded as his skin burned. Magic was taking its toll, punishing him for thinking he could control it.

The blade kept riding up as Ferdinand screamed. It was drowned by the blood gurgling in his throat. Wolfbane wasn't stopping, his yellow eyes fixed on Cage. The magical hold on him only tightened, and he wondered if it would kill him from the inside out, if Wolfbane's sick face was the last thing he would see. Ferdinand getting cut open in front of him. Tears stung his eyes, but even they couldn't move down his face.

The door burst open. Wolfbane turned his attention towards it, and Cage could take in a deep breath. Someone collided with the giant body, but not strongly enough to bring him down, given the sheer size of him. With a snarl, Wolfbane tore the dagger out of Ferdinand and swiped at the newcomer. Trix jumped out of the way, but not fast enough to avoid a cut to his forearm.

Three other pirates burst into the room, but Trix threw his hand out towards them and sent them rolling back out into the hallway with magic, slamming the door after them. Wolfbane grinned, but it was tinted with annoyance.

"Ah, one of the magical ones. You weren't as stupid as to come alone, were you, Kale?"

Cage struggled against the magical bond again. Even if it was weaker now, lessened by Wolfbane's divided attention, he still couldn't break it. He tried to bring the lightning to his fingers, but his magic refused to behave, smothering him in return.

Trix slid his sword out of its sheath, a snarl on his face, and charged at Wolfbane again. The pirate turned away from Cage completely and used his magic to paralyze Trix instead. He froze in mid-stride and dropped to the floor. Cage drew in a deep breath and focused his own magic on the iron cuffs. He jerked as hard as he could, and they fell to the floor with a loud clang.

Before he was on his feet, Wolfbane had turned to face him again, holding his dagger against Trix's throat.

"You might still get to save this one," he said, his voice strained.

Trix didn't seem to want to be saved because he drove an elbow into Wolfbane's stomach. The pirate cursed furious, and blood made its way down Trix's neck as the blade nicked his skin. Wolfbane growled and sunk his claws into Trix's shoulder. He groaned in pain and froze once Wolfbane pushed the tip of the dagger right under his jaw.

Cage took this in as his body shook of the remainder of the magical hold. Then, even if he didn't want to, his gaze moved to Ferdinand. The prince sat still in his chair, slumped, his entire torso carved open, like the hanging doors of a grotesque dresser. Through the mess of skin, muscle, and flesh, Cage could see his heart.

It was no longer beating.

He reached out a trembling hand, wondering if he'd be able to heal, to get it starting again. Save his brother and the heir to the throne of Iride.

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