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Following the crowd of students trying to leave, I walked out the front doors, looking around for Josuke and Okuyasu.
Seeing Josuke waiting, leaning on the tree like yesterday, I waved at him with a smile as I walked over to him, which he reciprocated.
"Hey! Is Okuyasu not here yet?"
"Nope. He usually takes a few minutes. Probably walking slow or getting distracted by something, if I had to guess.."
I laugh, "Yeah, I feel like he'd do that."
He then looks behind me, "Well, speak of the devil."

I turn to see Okuyasu waving at us, which we both reciprocate.
"Oi, Josuke! Ready to walk home?"
He nods, "Yeah. How about you, {Y/n}?"
Okuyasu looks at me, "Oh, I forgot {Y/n} was coming with us! Sweet."
I laugh, "Yeah. I'm ready."
Josuke smiles, "Great. Let's go!"

Along the way, I let Josuke and Okuyasu do most of the talking, mostly just listening and laughing at their jokes.
Though, I couldn't help but notice Josuke glancing in my direction every now and then.
Eventually, nearing the end of our trip, Okuyasu had to go a different direction from us as we continued on.
And then, there were two.
It was a little awkward, neither of us talked, and neither of us knew how to start.

Eventually, Josuke broke the silence, "So, {Y/n}... um, I gotta ask... yesterday, did you mean it?"
I blink, not thinking too hard about it before answering, "Did I mean what?"
"I mean, did you mean it when you said you... liked me back?" He said, looking a little awkward.
I felt my cheeks heat up a bit as I nodded softly, looking down, "Yeah.."
"So, does that mean we're, like.... a thing now?" He looked at me, a hopeful expression.
I frowned, furrowing my eyebrows.

"...um.. well, I mean..." I hesitated, not finding the words.
He looked a little dejected, a sad expression gracing his features, "I-I don't wanna pressure you into anything, so if you don't—"
"No! N-no, I mean, I.. I want to, but like... Ah, I mean.. let's just.. can we talk about this inside?" I gestured towards his house, which we were getting closer and closer to.
He tilts his head slightly, "I thought you had a project due tomorrow,"
"Forget the damn project."
"Oh. Ok."

As we made it into his house, he led me to his room, where he shut and locked the door behind us.
Under different circumstances, I probably would've been embarrassed, maybe a little shy. But not now.
I looked down, fiddling my thumbs, "S-so, um. I... basically... my parents... agh, I don't even know where to start," I groan, covering my face in embarassment.
He nods, sitting on his bed, "It's ok. Take your time."
I sigh, sitting next to him, "So, basically, my parents... they, uh, don't like you."
He blinks, "They... don't? Why?"

"They just... don't like anything unique, I guess. And, I mean, I'd say you're pretty unique. You've got your fancy uniform, your cool hair... I think it's just that." I frown.
"You sayin' they don't like my hair?.."
I jump at his tone, Ah, shit, that's a touchy subject. "N-no, not exactly. They just don't like people who don't fit into their idea of normal! And, uh, I mean... you don't see people with that hairstyle everyday, do you? S-so, it's not really your hair they dislike, it's just.. the fact that you're... different."
He pauses for a moment, "Oh. Well, yeah, I guess that makes sense... but, is that really a good enough reason to not like someone?"
I sigh, "My parents like to nitpick people's flaws, so it's normal for them."
He nods, "Well, alright... um, if you want, we could just keep it a secret from your parents. Or we could maybe arrange for us all to hang out more and, maybe after spending more time with me, they'll like me more?..."

I look down, "We'd have to keep it secret. That won't work on them."
"Oh. Alright... well, if it's only that, I think we can handle it."
I frown, "There's more."
He looks at me, "Oh, great.. what else?"
I clear my throat, "Well, um... I'm pretty sure my sister also has a crush on you."
"You have a sister??"

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