The swimming team was a very important thing in this school and only the best swimmers of Hyrule could have a scholarship for it. That was pretty usual that some of the students of that team joined the national team at the end of their Bachelor, and I already heard one of them did the Olympics.

« Hello ! Sidon Dorefan. », Sidon said with his bright smile, sitting next to Impa. « I'm majoring political sciences just like Impa »

Dorefan ? So he should be... what was her name again... Impa's roommate... Mipha ! Is he Mipha's brother ?

« Hello Sidon, my name's Zelda Bosphoramus, Impa's best friend. It's a pleasure to meet you. », I responded with a smile – not as bright as his, unfortunately.

« Nice to meet you, Impa's bestfriend. », he chuckled. « Are you majoring in law ? »

« Absolutely not. », I lightly laughed. « Economics and archelogy, in fact. »

« Both at the same time ? », he asked, visibly surprised.

« I told you she was amazing. », Impa glouriously said, winking at me.

« Yeah, I can see that ! You're really courageous ! »

« Not as much as the one who's in the swimming team. », I said, pointing at the logo on his t-shirt.

« Thanks, Zelda. But I admit, I'm not the best swimmer here. My sister, Mipha - »

« You know, I already told you she was my roommate ! », Impa cut him, and I nodded.

« Yes, my sister, Impa's rommate, is one of the best here, if not the best one. »

« Is she majoring in sports ? », I asked, wondering how it could be possible to be an incredible swimmer with an other major than sports.

« No, she's apre-med. »

Alright, she should be exceptional.

« Wow ! She's the courageous one, in my opinion ! », I chuckled, making all of them laugh with me.

« Yes she is. », he said, his hazel eyes full of admiration for her.

This is so adorable. How I wish I could have someone in my family that can be proud of me like that.

The professor came in the lecture hall five minutes later while we were talking about anything and everything, and we remained silent when the lecture began. Well, I was silent during all the lecture while the two students in political sciences couldn't help whispering all along.

I tried to stay as concentrated as I could, but between my lack of sleep last night, my lack of interest for that topic and the constant noise around me, it was pretty difficult. The coffee didn't woke me up enough and I started feeling my eyelids becoming heavy even if it was only fourty minutes since the lecture started.

I wrote all the teacher said and tried to remember every single informations. But, well, maybe I will have to read it again tonight... But, it didn't really matter. Maybe that was because I spent an awful night but I was so glad I met someone like Sidon. He was absolutely adorable, super funny and I already knew he had a golden heart. He was the kind of person you knew you could immediately rely on, calling them if you needed or just spending a good moment with. I didn't know his sister, but if she was like her brother, I could say the dorm should be pretty animated !

At the end of the course, I waved at my friends – of course Impa held me in her arms before kissing my cheek, already missing me as much as I was already missing her –, ready to go to the next one. Initiation to the old languages of Hyrule.

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