"I'm doing well, yes excited to see what this year holds." I answered.

"Hey Harry!" I said as I gave him a hug.

One thing about mine and Harry's relationship is that we have always been best friends and nothing more. Although, I'm sure our parents have bets on whether we will get married or not, I can't imagine ever having feelings for him.

We made our way through the crowded aisles of the train to our usual compartment in the back. The train was bustling with noise and excitement for the upcoming year.
As I opened the compartment door, Ron and Hermione were already sitting inside.

"Hey guys" Harry said as he pushed his way past me to sit next to Ron.

I gave an annoyed sigh at Harry as Ron answered, "Hey mate!"

I took a seat next to Hermione as we talked about what we did this past summer. We talked a little bit before Harry and Ron moved to their own conversation, and Hermione talked to me.

"So... how was the summer with Harry?" She asked, but I sensed she was trying to get a specific answer out of me. I just didn't know what.

Harry and I spend every summer together as well as with Tonks, Uncle Remus, and Teddy. Teddy is a year behind us in school and is a Hufflepuff, like his mum.

When Teddy was first sorted into Hufflepuff, our parents mailed us each night reassuring us we can still pull pranks all together like they did. I'm sure they're disappointed that we haven't even managed one.

Much like Ron and Harry, Uncle James and Sirius met on the train on their way to Hogwarts and had been inseparable ever since.

Uncle Remus had been sorted into Gryffindor with them. Although Uncle Remus isn't a fan of their pranks, they all got along quite nice. They grew closer and closer and never strayed even after they all fought in the Wizarding war.

This summer was no different than the others. Our families usually take a two week vacation somewhere and then Teddy, Harry, and I head to the burrow to spend time with Ron and his family.

"It was good. The same old really," I shrugged and played with the hem of my shirt.

"How was your summer?" I asked, looking up at her.

The rest of the train ride we talked about our summers and what we were most excited for this semester.
Before long, we got a few chocolates off the trolly and I drifted off to sleep.


We arrived at Hogwarts and were led onto the carriages that lead those of us that are above first year to the castle. I felt a little tug as the carriage took off towards the castle.

As we got closer, I looked out of the window of the carriage. It still shocks me how beautiful it is, Hogwarts, it's magical— figuratively and literally. My father always talks about his love for Hogwarts, which he always said was his true home.

As we arrived we were all led into the Great Hall for the feast so we can watch the first years be sorted into their houses. Just like it is every year, the Great Hall is decorated in our house flags and colors, to show house pride. My favorite part of the dining hall was the ceiling that was enchanted to look like the night sky. I glanced at the ceiling and just like it was outside, the ceiling shone a clear sky. I watched as a few stars shot across the sky.

We sat at our table along with the rest of the Gryffindors and cheered as the first years were sorted, and some of them into our house.

Dumbledore came up and said a few words like he always does to kick the year off. I hardly listened as I could feel my stomach growling. Thankfully he didn't talk long, he clapped his hands together as the food appeared in front of us. You could hear the surprised gasps of the first years, as they first experienced the magic of Hogwarts.

If the War Never Happened (years 3-4)Where stories live. Discover now