Chapter 57 - Be Strong 4 Us

Start from the beginning

I gasp and furiously text back:

My girlfriend had nothing to do with Jesse's death!!! Please dont do anything stupid, remember you're a man of GOD!

The news of Jesses's sudden death combined with thoughts of my dad hurting MJ causes my head to spin and I lose it, "I cant do this, y'all. I'm sorry, I gotta go."

"Where you going?" MJ runs after me.

"For a walk" I exit the building and walk to nowhere.

"Baby, listen to me. Ok, so dude's dead. But like I tried to tell you earlier, it aint your fault! You're not responsible! We dont know if it's suicide yet but I dont care if it was, it still aint your fau_"

"Exactly, you dont care! But I do! I knew Jesse! We were close! It's easy for you to just act like everything's cool but it aint that way for me, MJ."

MJ grabs my arm and pulls me back, "THIS IS A TOUGH INDUSTRY! Shit will happen. That's life. But if you're ever gonna make something of yourself, you're gonna have to learn to act like everything's cool."

I give her the evilest look, "you dont even have any problems, dont you dare try to give me advice about life when yours is perfect!"

MJ steps back and eyes me up in disgust, "perfect? You think just coz I got money my life is perfect? You dont think I wanted your dad to accept our relationship? You dont think it hurt me that he aint wanna get to know me? You think it feels good to know my brother's a crackhead and he tried to seduce my girl? You think I'm happy my parents aren't together? And what the fuck do you know about my childhood and what I went through? NOTHING! And do you even know why I keep a gun on me or how many times I've been harrassed by men just because I'm a lesbian and they dont like it?" she takes a huge breath like it took a lot for her to get that off her chest; I can see tears in her eyes as she speaks through clenched teeth, "so stop giving me that 'perfect life' shit coz I aint tryna hear it, Beyonce!"

Damn, I feel selfish😭

I burst out crying, "I'm sorry, baby. Oh my God, I'm so sorry."

MJ sighs, "look, it's whatever. Like I said, it's life. You just gotta accept that shit happens, be strong and carry on."

I throw myself in her arms and she catches me, "I'm gonna try. I'm gonna be strong. For us."

MJ kisses me on my forehead, "that's what I wanna hear! We can get through anything together. And we will. Just trust me, baby."

"Ok, baby" I reply, wetting up her tee with my tears.

"Now let's go back in there and carry on like the fighters we are."

Later that night - Tinashe's POV:

Oh y'all muthafuckaz thought you'd seen the last of me, huh? hahaha well I'M BACK! I'm sitting here with uncle Matthew in his front room, thinking of a master plan of destruction - for Beyonce and this scandalous lesbian relationship I hear she's in; I'm glad she's ruining her own life without me having to do it for her😩

"So you think her girlfriend killed Jesse?" I ask, like a detective.

Uncle Matthew doesnt hesitate, "I know it! I feel it in my soul. Why else would she point a gun to his face? She wanted to end his life right there and then!"

"Man, I wish I'd been here to see it. It sounds like a movie!" I shake my head in disbelief, "I'm SO disappointed in my cousin."

"Her girlfriend is Joseph Jackson's daughter. Can you believe it? THE DAUGHTER OF MY ENEMY!"

My eyes pop out curiously, "she is?!"

Aw hewlll yaassss it dont get any juicier than this right here!🐸☕️

I've done research on that man and I know his son is Michael Jackson, and I also know he's signed my ex (Chris) to his label. Oh, and I also know he just got divorced and is probably in need of some young, new pussy...😈💃

"I was watching MTV news yesterday and it said his son was throwing a party in Hollywood, they showed him arriving along with other celebrities, then they showed a group of girls and said one of them was his sister..."

Bet it was the one who looked fine as fuck.

"...I didnt see Beyonce on there but if that's her girlfriend, she would be in Hollywood too right? We can easily find the two of them!"

A confused expression spreads across his face, "if they were in Hollywood yesterday then Joseph's filthy daughter couldnt have killed Jesse."

"Ok maybe not personally but I'm sure she arranged it."

"Together with her father!" Uncle Matthew adds angrily, "I know Joseph's behind this, that man is vile!"

"Exactly! My guess is he's in Hollywood with his children..."

And with his latest signing, that traitor Chris😤

" I say we find a way to get there and make them all pay for what they've done to Jesse. Trust me, uncle Matthew, I can find them!"

Kelly 's POV:

Why life gotta be so crazy? Damn, he's really gone?! I still cant believe this shit! It cant be real....Bey, what have you done? You've killed Jesse😢

I cry tears of shock and deep sadness as I walk up to my best friend's old house; I know she dont live here nomore after she got disowned but I'm not here to see her, I wanna sit down and mourn with Mr Knowles and also let him know what I just heard from Jesse's family - he died by suicide.

Tinashe's POV:

*Ding dong!*

"I'll get that" I say, springing to my feet; I walk to the door and open it up - it's my boo Future's ex, and Beyonce's ugly ass best friend😒

"Oh hey Kelly! Aw you're crying! You must've heard the devastating news too!"

Kelly's POV:


(A/N Please vote and drop comments if you want more💋)

BAD GYAL 4 - Michael Jackson & Beyonce lesbian love storyWhere stories live. Discover now