Around the second hour, the game turned a little better. Perhaps, Jeno was no longer controlled by anger and noticed how bad it was for the team. He began communicating with Mark a little, and their game relationship got better. Mark caught his pitches, and as if encouraged by Jeno's behavior, he became better at the pathways blocking.

As weird as it sounds, they won, which then made students from SS University spread rumors that they played that badly on purpose to confuse the other team and make them slack off.

Donghyuck waited for a little for the people to clear the path and then headed toward the changing room. On his way there, he met with the rude coach, who seemed pissed and happy at the same time.

"We almost lost because of those rascals!" he fumed.

Donghyuck walked inside only when a few of the guys had already left―he didn't want to be called a creep for coming inside when some might be naked. Amongst them, in low whispers, he was thought of as an athlete lover who could do everything to get into a player's pants. But that didn't mean he was thinking about dicks every hour. Donghyuck was actually pretty calm for a while after he got what he wanted. And knowing in which condition he was already in, he could hardly think about sex.

His eyes quickly found Jeno at the very back and Mark somewhere in the middle. Noticing Noram's excitement upon seeing his favorite player, the brunette tried to grab the boy by the collar. In vain, as the kid had already run to the catcher.

Rolling his eyes at the kid as it was still annoying no matter how things turn out to be, Donghyuck was about to go and drag Noram away. Before he could reach the senior and the kid, however, a left fielder blocked his way. Donghyuck stared at him in confusion, then tried to pass under his arm, but instead got crammed next to the lockers.

"Do you remember me? I did you on this bench right here," he said, pointing at the bench with his eyes.

"Ah, sorry, I know your face, but I don't know your name," Donghyuck scoffed, trying to hide how uncomfortable was he.

"Of course, you only care about our positions," the guy chuckled. "So... have you fucked our second baseman? What about the catcher?"

Donghyuck had no idea about the second baseman, but the catcher was sure already on his list. Mark wanted that or not.

"Come with me to the showers," the guy whispered.

"No, thanks," Donghyuck grimaced.

Before he could get another word from the guy he didn't even know the name of, the boy jumped to the other side of the bench and turned away. He thought he was lucky for escaping that horny bastard. It turned out that there were more of them. Donghyuck's eyes ran from three other guys to two on the other side. They all openly stared at him no matter what they did. They weren't even hiding as they used to before!

"Hey," a shortstop approached Donghyuck. "Came to reward me?" he said, not even whispering. "Haven't I played hard enough to earn something?"

"Not really," Donghyuck sighed. "Could've been better."

The boy took a step but was stopped by a center fielder. This guy's name he remembered clearly. Haewon, was the one who had a piss kink no matter whether it was a girl he was with or a guy. He wanted to do a lot to Donghyuck and would've done it if the brunette didn't slap him and threatened to expose him for this.

"Which one did you come to serve for such a wonderful victory?" Haewon asked with confidence.

Annoyed, Donghyuck glanced at the end of the locker room, where Jeno was busy with his back turned on the scene. Perhaps, the center fielder saw this as he looked over his shoulder, and having not even a slight drop of embarrassment he said, "Jeno, Hyuck came just for you but―"

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