sink or swim, part two

Start from the beginning

Bree, Chase, and Adam turned to Maeve, who couldn't take her eyes off of her father. She could feel her heart beating faster with every second that passed.

"Maeve?" Chase asked. "This is your dad?"

Maeve said nothing. It felt like there were thousands of thoughts running through her mind.

Her father stepped forward. "Maeve, why so quiet? Are you so ashamed to have me as a father?"

She swallowed.

Bree turned back to Douglas. "What is that stuff all over his face?"

"You four are no longer the only humans with bionics," Krane answered.

"Krane agreed to fund my work so long as I shared my research with him. He implants every piece of bionic technology I design to make himself more powerful," said Douglas.

"Well, I hope he got a good personality, cause what's on the outside - yikes!" Chase said.

"Enough!" Krane snapped. "Let's go. You have work to do."

Krane walked off and Douglas turned to the kids.

"Isn't he cool?!" Douglas grinned.

"You can cart out all the freaks you want," said Bree. "It's not gonna keep us here."

"Oh, I beg to differ," Douglas smirked. He clicked a button on his desk and two large, spinning circles rose around Maeve, Adam, Bree, and Chase.

"Woah, cool! Giant ring toss!" Adam exclaimed. "Gotta give you credit. You're evil, but fun."

"They're titanium energy rings," said Douglas. "They create an impenetrable force field that nothing can escape."

"I smell a challenge," Adam smiled. He began to walk towards the rings. As his leg approached the edge, a blue force field appeared and shocked Adam. He jumped back in pain.

"I smell burning flesh!" Douglas laughed.

"What do you want with us this time, Douglas?" Bree asked.

"Oh, no," Douglas shook his head. "I'm not falling for that. First I tell you my plan, then something goes wrong, then you use it against me, not gonna happen!"

"Doesn't matter what you're planning," said Chase. "I'm sure that Mr. Davenport is looking for us already. He'll be here any minute to take us home."

"Oh, yeah. There's no place like home," Douglas laughed, grabbing his iPad. "No, seriously. There's not place like home. I blew it up!"

He showed them video footage of a large explosion of the lab.

"You destroyed our lab?" Bree exclaimed.

"Yup. Hope you backed up your music libraries."

"Douglas, how could you?" Maeve asked. She had always known Douglas was evil, but sometimes, he could be... fun. She didn't understand why he would stoop to this level.

But maybe she did know what caused him to do it. Or who caused him to do it.

"You can't talk, Maeve," Douglas snapped, accusatory.

"Calm down," Bree said.

Douglas shook his head. "I gotta say, I'm surprised you guys are friends with Maeve. After what she did?"

"You mean after what you made her do," Chase corrected.

"Hey, that was a long time ago! You guys need to learn to forgive and forget."

Chase simply stared back at Douglas.

"You are such a hypocrite," Maeve narrowed her eyes at Douglas.

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