6- The Meeting. 2903 words

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"I found my mate," he finished.

"That’s impossible! She is not part of this pack and you never left the packland!" she screamed. She was supposed to be the Luna. Who is this she-wolf who stole her boyfriend?

"I would be happy for you if you found your mate. I thought you would be happy for me," Thomas continued. 

"Who is she?" Yifa demanded.

"Whoa! Yifa, why are you so angry? I thought you might be upset, maybe sad, but not this angry. Every wolf wants to find his mate. Don't you?"

"I love you. I thought you wanted to talk about finally making me your Luna. Instead, you are replacing me. I am devastated," she whispered.

"Yifa, I will always be your friend.  I will celebrate with you when you find your mate. Your mate will make you more happy than I ever could," Thomas tried to explain.

"I love you! I was supposed to be your Luna. What happens if I never find my mate?" she asked.

"We are visiting different packs this week. Why don't you come? Maybe you will find your mate," Thomas offered.

Yifa thought, "Maybe if I spend time with Thomas he will realize he wants me not his mate."  "OK. I will go with you," Yifa replied.

"I  have business to take care of. We will talk tomorrow."  Thomas opened the door to let Yifa out, and headed to his room. Yifa watched him as he walked away.


Thomas quietly entered his room in case Hope was studying. The tutors looked up, and nodded. "How has your morning been, Hope?" Thomas asked as he kissed her forehead. 

"Did you know Selena is the moon goddess and she created the mate bond?" Hope sounded happy.

"Yes, I did. Did you know that Selena created the mate bond between you and  me?" Thomas asked. Both the tutors looked up, surprised. 

"That is why we are mates?" Hope asked.

"Well that and I love you," he said quietly.

Hope blushed. She turned that adorable pink. "She is so beautiful," Thomas thought.

Thomas turned to the tutors, "May I take Hope to lunch? When should she be back for more tutoring?"

"Mind-link us when you are finished with lunch and we will return. She is a great student."

Thomas nodded. "Are you able to walk on should I carry you? I like carrying you."

"I would like to walk," Hope said. He opened the door for her as she used her crutches to walk out the door.

Thomas pulled out a chair for her at the nearest table in the dining area so she wouldn't have to walk any further.  Almond was on lunch duty. She walked over to their table with two glasses of water. "How is your ankle?" she asked Hope.

"Getting better, thank-you!" Hope responded.

"What would you like for lunch?" Almond asked.

"Please surprise me. You ideas always taste delicious," Hope complimented.

Almond beamed. "Do you want your usual, Thomas?" He nodded.

Almond returned with their food. "I thought you might like to try the chicken. If you don't like it I can get you something else."  Hope tasted the chicken and gave Almond a smile. Almond returned the smile and left.

Thomas and Hope were discussing if Hope was enjoying her lessons when they were interrupted by shrill voice. "Is this the she-wolf who stole my boyfriend!"

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