She climbed into bed with me and tried to pull me close. As she kissed my lips, I strained against her. I didn't want her touching me, let alone kissing me. I finally gave up as she continued to fight with me. She pulled me close against her and kissed me softly on the neck.

"You really scare me sometimes, baby girl. I wish you didn't hate your life so much."

"I don't hate my life, just you."

She nodded, kissed me one more time, then got up and left the room, closing the door behind her. I heard the door lock a few seconds later. I laid in bed as my mind raced. What the hell did I do now?

I spent the next week in the bedroom. Liz would let me out once she was home. She slept on the couch, so I couldn't even sneak out while she was asleep. She'd hold me close to her on the couch as she sipped her beers and watched TV or talked with people on the phone and did whatever else she wanted to do. I hated every second that she was holding me.

Two weeks later, I was breaking. I found myself anxious for her to come home and to get out of the bedroom. I still wanted to leave, but realized she honestly would not let me. She took extreme measures to make sure I didn't do anything without her knowing.

I laid in her arms on the couch. I reached for her beer, and she tipped it back into my mouth. I slammed about half the bottle before I pulled away. Gazing up at Liz, I found myself uttering words to her I never thought I'd say again.

"I love you." I said, as I noticed two new hickies on her neck.

"I love you too, baby girl." Liz leaned down and kissed my lips passionately. She flipped me onto my stomach on top of her, taking my hand in hers and slipping it under her shirt. "I need you."

I didn't want to have sex with her, but I gave in and let my fingers trail across her body. I pulled her shirt up, then kissed her body. She pulled her pants down, then shoved my face down against her. I reluctantly ran my tongue against her. She moaned out and tangled her fingers in my hair.

"You are so amazing, baby girl!" She cried out as her body trembled under me. I moved my tongue faster against her, making her climax seconds later. I pulled away, but Liz pushed me down against her again.

"Don't stop. I didn't tell you I was done. Keep going, baby girl."

I continued, even though I didn't want to. I made her orgasm three more times before I slipped a finger inside of her and stroked her. She finally hit her point of release and let out a low scream as she finished. Her body relaxed, and she released my head. She grabbed me and pulled me up closer to her, then pressed my head down against her chest. I listened to her heart racing in her chest.

Later that night, Liz gently fucked me. It felt amazing, and she made me climax several times. I laid in her arms in the bed, thinking. She had backed off on her drinking a lot. She only had a couple of beers a night now. Maybe she really was trying to change for me. I didn't know if she still had fuck buddies coming over.

"I love you Liz. I wanna stay with you." I said finally.

"Good. Glad to hear it." She said, smiling at me.

The next morning, Liz woke me up.

"Baby girl, go shower and get ready for work. I'll bring you there. Just remember, I'll be sitting in the parking lot, so if you try to take off, I'll know."

"Okay." I said, then got up and got ready for work.

I walked in, and Rick looked at me. He pulled me into his office to check in with me and see how I was doing from my supposed breakdown. I shrugged and told him I was fine before going to work.

It felt nice to have something to do for a change instead of lying around in bed all day. I was very productive and got all my work done before I went to find Rick. Rick gave me some odd jobs to do around the store, but was surprised I had gotten everything done. I headed out to the parking lot after my shift was done to find Liz playing on her phone.

Once we got home, I cooked dinner for us, then curled up on the couch with Liz. As we laid there, I was becoming very aroused. I arched my back up and kissed Liz, then slid my hands under her shirt. She smiled down at me as she yanked her shirt off to give me easier access to her body. I rolled over onto my stomach and kissed my way down her body. I knew if I pleased her first, she'd take care of me. After three orgasms, she pinned me down on the floor and yanked my clothes off. She immediately entered inside of me with her fingers. I let out a couple of soft screams as she tended to my needs. Five orgasms later, I was exhausted and satisfied. She let go of me, then kissed me gently.

"Okay baby girl, time for you to go to bed." She said, looking at her phone.

Her phone went off a few minutes later, and I glanced at it to see a text message on the screen asking if the sender could come over. That night I heard the faint moans and cries and knew Liz was having sex with someone on the couch. It seemed all I was good for was sex.

The next month went on like this. I'd work, come home to cook, clean and have sex with Liz, then go to bed. I'd often hear her on the couch with someone throughout the night. It bothered me at first, but I eventually got over it and got used to it. 

Deceptions of the Heart (Prequel for Trials. GxG, 18+)Where stories live. Discover now