48. The Confession

Start from the beginning

"W-why didn't you marry then? it would have helped." She blurted out and Shavez paused whatever he was doing and turned to look at her.

"I wanted to, but guess life had other plans for her" He sighed and could see her gulp and turn away.

"You wanted to marry someone and didn't, that's quite astonishing," She remarked, clearly taken aback by the revelation.

"Why so?" He questioned.

"You are quite p-perfect, is that not obvious, who could reject you?"

"You flatter me" he snorted holding a tray of two coffee cups and coming out of the area, "I can't say if she would have said no, as I never got around to asking her."

"You didn't?"


"Well then what are you waiting for, ask her. What's less than the joy that she accepts your proposal"

"Do you think she will agree?"

"Of course she will, there's no, no reason not to"

"I will give it a try"

"Tell me how it goes," she said a little lovely, "A-and if you mind telling me who is she, where is she from"

"You sure you wanna know?"


"Well," he breathed,

"she is right in front of me..right now"

The cup she was holding wobbled between her fingers and he reached to hold it before it might fall, but it didn't. She got a grip on it with only a few drops splattering on her abaya which were absorbed instantly into the fabric and vanished in the dark cloth.

She looked terrified as those words pierced through her ears and Shavez hated that her body reacted that way, he wished there was a better situation and a better circumstance where he could tell her this.

But he had had enough of beating around the bush, he wanted her to know what he desires, it definitely didn't go as planned but did he even plan this?

Indeed, he had done so to a certain extent, but he never envisioned doing it in this manner. Nevertheless, it's a known fact that things do not always unfold as planned.

"W-what do you mean?" She sounded hurt and betrayed, her tone conveying her shock and disbelief that this could come from Shavez. It was as if she never thought this would happen, not even in a million years.

"I am telling the truth," He was nervous, very nervous. "I apologize for revealing this to you so abruptly, but Haya... I have wanted to marry you even before you wed him. I can't even recall how long I have had these feelings."

"I need to go home," she said, not even taking a sip of her coffee. "Please, just take me home. Do this one favor for me, just please..."

"I won't trouble you I promise, just think about it alright"

"Think?" She seethed "Think about what?!"

"You know what? I'm so foolish," she exclaimed, her body temperature rising. "What they say is right, every man has a hidden agenda, they're all the same.".

"You can't say that, "he said, biting back the bitter words she had thrown at him.

To be honest, Shavez expected Haya's reaction, but he understood that there was still much work to be done. He had finally mustered the courage to express his feelings to her and he was prepared to face the results of his actions.

"I can't believe you just told that to me"

"You said yourself didn't you, no one would reject me, why is then that you are foiling your own words?"

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