𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 1: 𝐿𝑖𝑐𝑘𝑒𝑑 𝐼𝑛 𝐹𝑖𝑟𝑒

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What a demon they are. Dark unkempt hair, singed and bloodied clothes. Yet, an eerie smile that beamed across Netheria and abyssal eyes that shone of curiosity. No one knows where they are from, no one took them in. Why would they? This child was the root to all havoc in Netheria. As so the stories tell. "I heard that she burned down a village with a giggle.", one would whisper, "I was told that he skinned 20 piglin with a mere stick.". The stories keep on changing. 

"I heard they have the claws of a warden."

"I know he is tall and will kill you if you look him in the eye." 

"She had 3 heads."

This took the interest of the blood loving king himself. He watched as kids snicker and laugh about the story of the Wither. He wanted to meet this wither but the thing is that, no one ever saw them. They are told over and over again as a myth. Technoblade sighed while he walked down the path of  Netheria to the portal to Fordra. Axe in hand, Technoblade thought about what he was going to do with the war of Fordra. It has been 3 years since the war started, it was getting kind of boring. Less blood shed — not enough for the voices in his body. "I will ask Phil about this.", Techno shrugged. 

Then he heard a slight tapping, followed by sounds of flames. He tried to find the source of the sound. He had turned a corner and saw a small child, seemingly 6 years of age, long dirty grey hair, blemished clothes, dancing in the midst of the fire. Like they have done nothing in the world. It surprised the almighty Technoblade. A child, dancing ever so gracefully with the flames licking off them. Their eyes were closed but Technoblade can feel the sincerity from their face. He watched the child. They have opened their eyes to see the  burning plains of Netheria. It exposed their dark eyes that shone of nothingness, like an empty abyss. 

Technoblade widened his eyes. This is it. This is the Lowly Wither. They were different from the stories. They weren't tall, had claws of a warden, and three heads. Just a small kid, a sad one. Techno stepped forward, startling the young kid. They flinched and tried to hide, "No, no. It's okay.", Techno said, throwing his axe away. He didn't want to threaten the child. Still shaken, the child used a rock to throw at Techno to cover its escape. "God dammit, this is why I fucking hate orphans.", Techno cursed. He heard a giggle. He turned to see the child now looking at him, smiling. The face of sadness has been wiped away, leaving a bright eyed smile. 

Techno's expression softened. The child sniffed him, from his cape to his axe. They were interested. He extended a hand to the child. Hesitantly, the child reached to grab his hand but recoiled slightly. A burn mark on their hand. Techno took a look at his hands, he had iron rings on his fingers. "Might be weak to that.", he thought. He took the rings away and let the child hold his hand again. The child held his hand again, this time they squeezed it with a glimmer in their lifeless eyes. Techno noticed the small frame of the child. Their left hand seemed to be withered away and noticeable scars were present but despite the hurting, they were smiling. This made Technoblade smile too. The Technoblade, the blood king who doesnt't give a fuck about anything, smiling at a child —an orphan to be specific. "Let's go home. The stories are quite enough already." Techno said. 

He and the child travelled miles to the portal of Netheria. This would lead them to another world. Excited to see the world for the first time, the child ran through the portal, Techno following after. He stepped out and watched the child roll around the fields of lilies and lilacs. They sniffed every single flower they saw and touched every tree. They picked the flowers and started to braid them. Techno watched as the child walked up to him and motioned him to get down. They have placed a flower crown on his head. Techno heard stories of the Lowly Wither's flower crowns. They were often made with wither roses and are used to kill someone. "We are not out of the woods yet.", Technoblade stood up and offered the kid a hand, "We still have a long way to go". Clutching unto his hand, the child followed Techno to the blemished, wintery, unbearable lands of Fordra.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2023 ⏰

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