Search Party - Part 1

Start from the beginning

Soon, Astrid could make out the familiar, lumpy figures of Fishlegs and Meatlug slowly lugging their way over to Berk. Astrid could see Meatleg's cute little wings fluttering as fast as possible to drive her and Fishlegs over to dry land as quickly as possible. From where Astrid stood, it didn't seem like they had a difficult time making it back, but their delayed arrival had her curiosity piqued.

"What took you so long?" Astrid asked as Fishlegs came into land, Meatlug practically falling to the ground in exhaustion. It seemed as though Fishlegs had made her fly faster than she had ever done so before.

The thought of trouble worried Astrid.

"We're back now, shouldn't that be enough." Fishlegs shrugged, loosening Meatlug's saddle to allow her some breathing room. "Besides, we had to shake off one of the dragon hunters and come the long way around towards the island. Those dragon hunters can be relentless sometimes." Fishlegs smiled and gave his dragon a hearty pat. "But Meatlug and I were stealthy enough to lose them, weren't we girl?" Fishlegs began to pamper his dragon, cuddling and rewarding her for a job well done.

As is their way. It was an odd relationship, but not one that Astrid would question.

"Well, did you happen to see Hiccup?" Astrid couldn't stop herself from asking. It was like a reflex and her panicked mind immediately shifted to Hiccup. Her heart couldn't stay calm as she watched the thoughtful expression pass over Fishlegs' face. She had to know whether he was okay.

"I saw him head off west. I think he was being pursued. So he probably will have a difficult time losing them, or an easy time. Who's to say?" Fishlegs shrugged, busying himself with Meatlug and trying his best to ignore the deathly stare from Astrid as she approached.

"Did you see him on your way back?" Astrid pestered, her worry turning to frustration as Fishlegs refused to look at her.

"I don't know. I don't think so. I mean, it's possible that he's still out there."

"I don't need a possibility or your uncertainty, Fishlegs!" Astrid exploded, her sudden bout of anger catching the nearby villagers off guard and sending them running back into their own homes. But Astrid calmed herself with a long exhale and closed her eyes before refocusing her attention on Fishlegs. "I just need to know where he is."

"I don't know, Astrid." Fishlegs replied sternly, his answer not settling Astrid and causing her recently subdued anger to return.

"He'll be fine, Astrid." Valka's voice cut through their conversation, severing the anger that Astrid had tied to Fishlegs. Her attention turned towards Hiccup's mother, but her frustration and panic had not subsided. "Come here." Valka offered her hand out for Astrid to take, a hand of peace and equality to help Astrid calm her nerves.

It was a hand that Astrid took, albeit rather hesitantly.

"Hiccup is a strong, capable young lad. He is my son, after all." Valka coerced, comforting Astrid slightly as she softly stroked her hand. The soft, slow motions were enough to disperse some of the doubt and worry she was having. "I'm sure he is fine, he has Toothless with him and that dragon wouldn't let anything harm that boy."

"But what if something has happened to the both of them?" Astrid asked quietly, her eyes focused on her hand wrapped up in Valka's.

The flaming motions upon Astrid's hand stopped abruptly. Valka sighed, shaking her head softly.

"Then we'll go and find them."

At this, a great noise was heard. It was a bombardment of sound that could only mean one thing: the twins had safely arrived back on Berk. Astrid watched the Zipperback descend with its two riders squabbling as usual upon the descent back to the island.

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