(110) New Year's Day - Part Four

Start from the beginning

And, at the same time, they are also starting to set up the legacy that they want to leave for their children; the business that Matt hopes to run with his children someday, and then pass it on for years to come. That's exactly what both he and Gabby want, and they truly are ready for whatever life throws at them; and that especially includes all the drama that they'll deal with in the future, and are already dealing with at the present. God, the conversation that he's going to have with both his sister and brother-in-law at supper tonight; oh, did I forget to mention that they are coming over for supper tonight? Yes, so that's going to be a lot of fun; having to talk to both your sister, and to your brother-in-law about how they slept with each other last night. God, he still hates that he even needs to think about that right now; especially when he's already trying not to explode at his best friend for doing what he did to Gabby's car. God, he still thinks that his friend is really stupid.

I mean, you really take someone's car without asking? Oh, and then you damage it; that's something that they are going to definitely going to continue talking about, preferably away from Gabby so that she doesn't get affected from the stress that will inevitably result from the conversation/confrontation that he's going to have with his best friend over what he did. However, that was something that he could do later; right now, his wife would rather have him participate in the conversation that they're having with their friends this New Year's Day morning. "Baby. You're quiet. Why aren't you talking?" Matt took a breath as he turned to look at his best friend. "Just trying to breathe and control my anger over the inevitable conversation that we're going to have again today in the office." Taking a breath, Kelly knew right away that they were going to talk about it; I mean, of course he isn't just going to drop it right away after having sex with Gabby.

Moving her hand to that of her husband's, Gabby intertwined their fingers and then whispered to him. "Just remember that you need to breathe when you talk to him baby, and that he's your best friend." Matt agreed with his wife when she reminded him that he is her best friend, and that he's going to need to breathe as he talks to him about it. "Of course, I promise that I'm going to breathe as I talk to him." Gabby agreed with Matt when he told her that he was going breathe as he spoke to Severide while they're working on the incorporation papers today, which was Kelly's punishment for having done what he did. He's not just going to let him lay around the house, living in luxury that he hasn't earned yet; not when he damaged his car, and is inevitably going to have to pay for it somehow. He needs to earn enough money so that he can help his best friend pay for all of the damages that he made to his car. Only then can he really forgive him.

I mean, it's also a brand-new car; and his wife's car nonetheless that he damages. He just got the cars recently, and he didn't want them to be scratched. "Oh, I just thought of something. Gabby, I need you and Stella to do something today." Turning their heads, Gabby and Stella both looked at the new CEO when he said that he needed them (specifically) to do something today. "And what would that be?" Matt smirked when the two of them asked him that question. "Today, I want you guys to create the logo that you guys want to use for your clothing line; then I can bring it to my meeting Thursday." Looking at his best friend, Kelly Severide wasn't exactly sure just which meeting that they were going to this Thursday. "Which meeting is that again? I think you already mentioned it, but we're still waking up." Matt smiled. "Serhant Law Group. Lawyers. We're going to do our legal work on Thursday and get ourselves incorporated and stuff."

Severide agreed with his boss when he said that, but he still wasn't sure why he had to go to the meeting. "And why do I have to go to the meeting with your lawyers?" Matt sighed. "Because you need to be there to sign documents." Kelly just laughed when he heard his friend say that, as he didn't understand which ones. "Last time I checked, this was your company." Matt then went to clarify to his friend. "Well, last time I checked; I'm having twins in May, and you need to be on the documentation so that you can run the company while I'm on paternity leave. And that means that you need to have signing authority for documents, and you need to have the ability to speak to my lawyers. Therefore, you need to be there so that I can have you sign the documents and list you as a secondary agent for the company." Gabby turned to look at her husband when he said that. "And I don't have to be there? Aren't I going to be an agent of the company too?"

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