Beware The Smile :)

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Chapter 1
With his ears ringing and his sight fuzzy he can tell who his own brother is. Tommy was lying on the floor with his sword beside him, Wilbur struggling to move could hear muffling talking around him.
He tried moving but it felt like something was holding him down, he felt a slight tug on his arm he tried looking but every move was painful to move.

A few minutes of laying on the floor, someone was picked up Wilbur, his ears were still ringing and everything was muffled and his vision was still hell ya blurry
The only thing he could see was a green hat and a black hat, Wilbur felt like he was going to die, instead he passed out in the persons arms.

When he woke up his vision was cleared up, his ears were still ringing but not as badly. There was a heart moderator beeping right next to him, when he looked at his arm he saw something plunged into his skin, he wanted to pull it out but remembered what happened to one of his friends when he was in the hospital.

He heard a soft womens voice saying, "Hey Wil, your finally awake"
Wilbur doesn't remember a lot, he remembers his brother though.

"Wher- wheres Tommy." Wilbur said panickley.

"He is resting" Said the women. "Wilbur do you know how old you are?"

Wilbur paused, then replied with " 12 I think"

"Thats correct, you are, do you remember me or that one?" said the women pointing at this person across the room with flowers in his hair.

"Not really" Wilbur said but very weakly.

"Thats oki." the women said, " Techno can you grab the heating pads please?" Said the man with the green hat.

Wilbur's breathing kept getting more faster and faster every time someone would move in the room.

"Hey mate, your going to be fine, just try and calm down, oki." said the green hat man.

"Where is Tommy. He can't be alone he doesn't know how, I've always been there with him." Wilbur said panically.

" Kristen go check on Tommy Ok. Later we can let them meet up again if Tommy is better." green hat man said.

Wilbur was kinda calming down when he saw the green hat man's wings, they were really torn up.

"What happend to your wing?" Wilbur asked in a calm tone.

"Oh these, there was a explosion that made them torn." Green hat man said.

"What's your name." Wilbur asked.

"Philza, you can call me Dadza if you need to or Phil." Philza said in a calm voice.

"Oh, what's your name?" Wilbur asked to the pink haired fellow in the corner.

"Wow you don't remember your own Twin brother." He said in a mean tone.

"Techno, please, your not helping the situation." Phil said.

"Your name is Techno, and yours is Phil-philza, and she was Kristen." Wilbur said questioning if he said that right.

"Yes" Phil and Techno both said and the same time.

"Why am I put in this place." Wilbur asked.

"There was a." Philza paused, cause he remembered if he said anything, Wilbur was going to have a episode.

"There was a little science experiment that went wrong." Techno said.

Phil realized that Techno saved him and his brother.
A little time of silence Wilbur heard the door open, when he looked Kristen was standing in the door with Tommy.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2023 ⏰

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