Nick: I know where the fucking river is.

(YN)/Clem: ....

Pete: ...So anyways, I found that buck later that season. Shot it right on the neck, brought it to my sister's, figuring she'd want to freeze some of the meat...Nick didn't speak to me for a weeks. Sometimes you have to play a role, even if it means people you love hate you for it...

Clementine: I don't think he hates you..

(YN): Yeah, I mean, seems like he's been having it rough, I don't blame him.

Pete: ...Nick's father wasn't there much for him, and he was always a piece of shit when he was. So it was my job to keep him in line, raise him right. Meant I could just be "Nice Uncle Pete"...

Nick: Uncle Pete!!

They heard Nick yell out Pete and make a run for, as they did, they found him near the river, and also for Nick to spot some dead bodies laying on the floor...

(YN): Woah...What happen??

Pete looks at one of the dead bodies, and spot holes on their heads...

Pete: Holes on their heads...weird.

Clementine: ..Who's you think did this?

Pete: Not sure, but this isn't some average gang of thugs, that's much I know.

Nick: ...Think about it Uncle Pete, you're Carver, what you do?

Clementine: ..Who's Carver??

Nick stood quiet...

Pete: ...We can talk about that later, right now we need to check them and see if their alive.

Pete and Nick scatter to check up the dead Clem notices being in his thoughts for a moment...

Clementine: (YN)? You okay??

(YN): O-Oh, yeah sure, I'm fine's just...that name, "Carver" it's somehow getting in my head lately, yesterday as well when they mention about thinking we were working with somebody, Carver...and since that, the names been on my head...

Clementine: ..Weird.

(YN): I know, right, but-

Pete: Hey kids. Think you can give a hand and check the bodies for ammo? We're running low.

(YN): Yeah, sure.

(YN) and Clem both Walker around, whacking the bodies and scavenging for ammo, so far nothing, then, they notices more of them over the sandbar...

(YN): More over there.

Pete: Well this wasn't no rinky dinky pissy match.

Nick: What was it then?

Pete: ..FUBAR.

Nick: Ok, maybe we should get out of here-

Pete: No, we need to check the rest. Think about it son...

Nick: Think about it?! We have to get out here now!

S2 Clementine x Male Reader (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now