Part 1: The Battle

Start from the beginning

"Percy, sun's coming up!! They're gonna retreat soon! We need to take out more, we can't hold out much longer, if we take most of it out now, we could only need half the army for tomorrow giving people more time to rest!" She reported

"Good. Expect all the Apollo kids in the infirmary, I want the fatalities of this battle to be reported as soon as possible and a new head count we can't have Dirt-Face, take our numbers lower than it is already, we also can't afford her to get the blood she needs. Calculate the numbers. I need new sets of Ambrosia and Nectar, for everyone. And I want everyone fed and rested." I informed her

"Will do" She nodded and swiped the thorough the message

"We'll settle this later, for now you heard the message! Go and help your kids, we need to take out as much monsters as we can by sunrise. I expect you at the front lines" I told the Gods

With that I vapor traveled (Something new I learned when I was cornered carrying a wounded girl to the infirmary) to the front lines between the armies and shouted over the chaos.

" Alright, I want every healer back to the infirmary, take the wounded with you, use the Pegasi, I want half the Hunters take the trees and take out as much flying monsters you can. Jason take care of the Venti. Romans, I want you to split and take the right and left flanks, Reyna I want you to guide them. Greeks, take the middle, the rest of the Hunters lead them, Thalia like Reyna lead them. Now the Gods are here, I want cabin counselors, centurions, veterans, with their parents taking down the giants. Understood?" I shouted in Ancient Greek (Everyone learned it before the war. Same with Latin.) Everybody nodded at the same time, creepy. "Good, if all goes well this war may be finished by tomorrow or the next day" I told them

I took Nico to the side "Listen I need a favor..."

When I finished he looked at me with wide eyes "Y-y-y-you can't-I w-w-wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing you've just signed your death contract! Y-y-y-you can't leave all of us behind! W-w-w-what about Annabeth? T-t-t-the rest of the Seven?" I turned away. I couldn't stand the look in his eyes.

But he's right you know my nagging conscience said Your leaving them all behind, including your precious Wise Girl
Oh shut up, this dam fatal flaw always gets his way, plus I still have a chance of survival
Yeah like 3.11122% I ignored him after that

"Nico, you and I both know you won't be able to talk me out of it. Just stick to it alright? Don't tell anybody."

"Ok, you do know that whatever the outcome is I'm gonna kick your ass right?" I rolled my eyes and nodded

"Now let's go kick some monster butt!" I laughed but went along with it

We went back to the fight. By sunrise only a quarter of the army was left. Mostly consisting of Giants. I told Apollo to treat the most fatal injuries, and the poisoned one. He even cloned himself to save more people.

I went straight to Annabeth to get the reports. I found the Gods (except Apollo) there, I ignored them.

"What's the news for this one?"

"Well... 7/8 are wounded. Katie is poisoned, Clarisse has a concussion, Lou has a broken arm, Travis and Connor had been speared in the stomach together, Leo has a shattered knee cap, Piper's wound is infected, Clovis is over exhausted from using his powers, and Nyssa's ankle is broken. Grover said half the nymphs and naiads are gone due to the fire Mimas caused and half the satyrs took down a drakon but half of them died fighting it. Queen Hylla informed me about a sixth of her people are gone.Thalia told me an eighth of the hunters were killed and a quarter wounded. Malcolm did a headcount we're not missing anybody but tonight we have the highest fatality record. Here's the data" I took it from her hand and skimmed it. My grimm face turned grimmer.

Percy Jackson, the Dark Lord's GrandsonWhere stories live. Discover now