Chapter 7 "Unmoving."

Start from the beginning

"It's just that, I've been sparring with her a lot recently and we've had a few meet ups around Vale, I feel like as a friend I hardly know anything about her other than her passion for helping people." (Pyrrha)


That's what she wanted to know. Her story? 

After the Herrscher told her that she was a being with unimaginable power, she wanted to think that it was just a joke. One that a friend would tell if a walk got boring and quiet. But from her tone alone, she was serious. She only got to know a portion of the story beforehand, but she knew a bit more.

Fu Hua was her host's name, but her real name was the Herrscher of Sentience. One of a very few that possess powers beyond the imagination. Having lived for tens of thousands of years, she's seen the downfall of numerous civilizations and lived to tell the tale.

Witnessing monsters more powerful than the Grimm that could evolve to monsters that could destroy entire Kingdoms. Having had to see her world crumble slowly but surely as the last remnants of Humanity scurry away into ships, fleeing their dying world.

As far as the Heiress knew, she was lucky. Apparently she was the more friendly Herrschers out of all of them. Some of them even wanted to destroy the entire world and they had the power to do so but she and a select few had defended against such horrors that if not kept in check, would've left Humanity in crumbles.

She had to take a while to adjust to such a story. It sounded like something straight out of a fictional movie! She knows powers like Semblances exist but such power couldn't even comprehend the ones Hua had to face and deal with on a constant basis.

Even the Goddess herself had trouble dealing with such enemies alone. She was part of a school, similar to those of this world, tasked with defending Humanity against the monsters that plagued her old world.

Shaking her thoughts away, she looked at Pyrrha, she was worried she'd trigger something bad with her words. As much as the Heiress wanted to share such a story, she wouldn't believe her. She would have to speak with Hua about such a topic.

"Well... she had told me about her life. But not much. I think it's best if you approached her about it. She's only told me a fraction. Sorry, Pyrrha." (Weiss)

Facing down, Pyrrha accepted the fact. Perhaps it'd be best to personally talk to her Mentor about it. Weiss didn't feel comfortable in sharing such a thing and she understood.

"That's fine, Weiss. Thank you either way." (Pyrrha)

The Heiress nodded, turning back she walked away, disappearing into the massive hallways of Beacon. They were talking for a while and she hadn't noticed her classes were starting soon! Quickly hurrying she scurried down the Hallways as well, finding her next class.

During the time, they hadn't noticed someone hearing in their conversation, quietly standing close to the wall as to be hidden.

Ruby was curious about Hua's life. Throughout her time in Beacon she never really got to know her best friend in a personal way! She made a mental note to investigate more about her best friend's personal life! No matter how creepy it sounds its still justifiable!


Ozpin was an intelligent and patient man. He's uncovered numerous secrets about the world around him. But in the case of one of his students, perhaps he still had much more to learn.

During the first week of School, his surveillance cameras had picked up a conversation between the newest and rising star of Beacon and the Heiress. Safe to say, it interested him as well. She was practically a ghost in Remnant. No birth certificates, No social security, nothing. Not a single file had her name planted on it, not even a single piece of paper.

But seeing footage during the Initiation changed his mind. She was a skilled fighter no doubt. She had the appearance of a teenage girl yet she spoke and the way she fought was as if she had been doing so for longer than he has.

He, being a magic user of a long forgotten era, has lived many lives. Too many in fact. But when he had listened to their conversation, it changed his view. A Goddess? Another world? Monsters that could rival the power of the gods? This interested him oh so much.

He kept a close eye on her on a constant basis. He respected the boundaries and personal space of a person just like any other. He'd much rather not make an enemy out of a potential ally,

Safe to say after approaching her about the topic, she had revealed to him many stories that could very much put the story of how the King of Vale had defeated two kingdoms alone to such utter shame. A world where numerous beings held the power of the Gods. One such is a man with too much power it could very well have destroyed the planet several times over.

To be born in a world where 'Eruptions' would take place and with it destroy half of Humanity along with it. So he made a deal with the apparent Goddess. He'd agree to keep her true identity a secret while also helping with getting forged documents on her now new identity, in return she would help keep the school safe from the machinations of the evil Queen.

Even if he didn't win the war, he'd much rather not sacrifice more unnecessary casualties that would help make the world a better place. That's how he would put it at least.

Hua knew from the start she was dealing with another immortal, much like her but the difference is that he had to reincarnate to a person's body instead, slowly taking over their personality and the body itself. She had to be careful with such a man.

But she had a promise. One that she made a long time ago. Something that she had never forgotten, and she intends to keep that promise until the end of time.

She'll protect everyone. Even if she failed to do so in the past. She promises.

For K#^#%.

got all this writing experience from, a very good place to read stories that gave a much more in depth writing to its story

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