Serenity - Imma kill that bitch

Me - No no no no stop I let you whoop herald but murder ain't happening

Serenity - I'm tired of everyone thinking I'm not good enough for you or thinking that should be able ta take my spot Von you let that shit happen by not just coparenting yo ass be flirting and shit with ole girl and I don't even know if it's true but it sounds like that is the reason

Me - Yo ass trippin stop thinkin that shit forreal you keep assuming I did this that and the third when I ain't did shit but be loyal and love yo ass Serenity stop thinking that shit coo

Serenity - I don't know what you did before y'all came and got me

Me - What bro stop fuckin playing with me dawg I was depressed and shit cause you wasn't with me and you wanna say that bullshit man gone with that shit

Serenity - You know what I'm gonna have Durk and Book take me to the viewing of the building yo ass and me need space I'm so tired of you acting like you ain't capable of cheating when you did at the start of this relationship

Me - What you know what whatever Serenity I took accountability for the actions I did we overcame that shit or at least I thought we did lil  bro

I rolled my eyes and parked once we reached the lot. Ren slammed my fuckin door and walked into the bridal side and I walked into the groom side with Dayvon. I'm not finna keep doing this back and forth with ha ass I love her what else does she need me to do to show ha ass that shit. I went and started looking around and I seen this black suit with a gold tie so I went and tried it on.

Durk - Bro why India just text me and say that Ren need me and Book to take ha some whea

Me - Causs she trippin on bro she thinkin me and Tamicia fuckin

Herbo - Von we know ya ass is you

Me - No I ain't touch dat guh

Durk - Well I told yo ass it would be consequences when you did what you did with Asian

Me - Bro she literally mad because I told ha to whoop ha ass and when I grabbed her to stop she got mad bro she wanted blood

Dom - Sound like someone we know

Me - Shut up

Durk - Nah yo lil Shawty a mini you ya ass can't be mad

DJ - Dada look drippy

Me - Thank you son


Me - Y'all don't get it at all I wanted blood bro that bitch is doing too much

Lena - Serenity you can't be that mad I mean we understand why but they have a child together some baby mothers can't let it go

Me - Okay but him and Kema got a baby together too and she ain't bitter plus it's more shit that y'all don't even know about not even him

Amyah - Like what

India - Exactly

Me - I can't tell y'all

Jayda - Girl you can you just deciding not to

Me - Exactly

India - Bitch fuck you we tell yo ass everything

Me - Y'all really wanna know

Ari - Girl you stallin

Me - I'm pregnant

India - Bitch how far along

Me - 1 month imma be two months by the wedding I'm not telling him till at the wedding when our families and friends are there

Amyah - You had the fucking nerve to put yo hands on that girl how does that work

Me - Cause she tried seduce him when I was in the car duh

Amyah - Oh my bad I been ignoring half of what y'all been talking about

Me - Girlllll fuck you y'all betta not tell nun of y'all niggas shit about me being pregnant cause they all gone tell Von

Them - Okay

I walked out in my dress and I was so stunned on how beautiful it was I love it so much.

India - Oh my God girl you look amazing

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India - Oh my God girl you look amazing

Me - I know I love it I want this one

Jayda - Wow girly but shouldn't you be wearing off white I heard y'all yesterday

Me - Fuck you

I smiled and we all changed after the Taylor fitted our dresses and we all went out separate ways to get into the cars. I got into the front seat as Book and Durk pulled off into Durk's car. We drove a good 20 minutes and arrived at the building.

Durk - Damn this spot is the perfect location

Me - I know right all we need to do is let the background check and everything go through and then we can buy it and start working on it

Booka - What is going on between you and Von ass

Me - He told me to beat her ass knowing damn well I wanna kill ole girl

Durk - What is really the issue sis

Me - I can't tell y'all that I just know I don't be trusting him since the Asian situation

Booka - How you expect to marry him if you don't trust him

Me - Because at the end of the day I still love him I just call it woman's intuition he gone do something and imma snap

Durk - Or maybe yo ass just crazy

Me - Or yeah maybe that too

I giggled and the contractor can and I signed the papers so we can start the ownership process. I know everyone is trying to figure out why I say that but I feel like Von might do something that will make me spaz out but I am starting to learn it's always good to keep secrets just in case you need them to have one person feel the way you do.

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