6. Hex the Truth Out

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The crisp wind stirred up maple and crimson leaves all around them. Alpine trees shrouded the moon, yet Kieran somehow maneuvered effortlessly through the dark. They left the pub and that nosy vampire who watched them behind. Everett followed close behind Kieran, unsettled by the sudden silent treatment.

After admitting to him about being poisoned, he couldn't even bother to look at him, let alone speak to him. Everett worried he'd want to drop the investigation.

Over the outcry of owls in the distance, Everett mustered a small question. "Are you upset?"

"Of course I'm upset." Kieran clenched his fists at his sides, speeding up his pace.

Everett sighed, jogging just to catch up to him. "I'm sorry I didn't mention it sooner, but I don't like telling people. I can easily make myself a target if they find out."

Kieran stopped in his tracks, whipping his head back in Everett's direction. His brows furrowed. "I'm not upset with you. I'm pissed at the fucking hunters who did this to you. If I could kill them-"

"They're already dead."

"Good." Kieran nodded, eyeing his neck. He gently reached out, brushing a finger over the tender pinpricks. "I'm sorry for doing this. Are you really alright?"

Warmth radiated Everett's face. "Of course. Why wouldn't I be?"

"You were used as vampire bait before. I'm sure they must've hurt you with their bites." Kieran dropped his hand with a grimace. "I didn't mean to make you relive that."

"Unlike those damned hunters, the vampires were always so kind to me. Like you are." Everett laced his fingers through Kieran's before he could pull away from him. "I promise, I'm okay. It felt rather good, actually." Everett stammered over his next choice of words. "B-Because of the aphrodisiac in your venom, I'm sure."

"Is that so?" Kieran smirked as he brushed the pad of his thumb along Everett's knuckles.

"Mmh. So, are you going to tell me what you learned back at the pub? And where the hell are we going?"

"I got a name for our suspected vampire. Vincent Hallowthorne. Now, the bartender hasn't seen him in a while but his blood donor works at a diner on the border of Nevermourn after all this. I hope you haven't felt too dizzy."

"I told you I'm fine." Everett couldn't resist smiling at the fact that he cared. But he tried to show a more serious expression before saying, "Do you think his blood donor will know his whereabouts? Look how long it's been. He could already have crossed the border. Before you suggest sneaking into Valorath, might I remind you how illegal it is for us wizards and humans to cross over. You vampires are lucky to have a free visiting pass."

"No, I wouldn't risk your life by making you follow me to my home country." Kieran chuckled. "But if clues lead us there, I might have to do some investigating without you. I hope that's alright."

"Of course." Everett stuffed his cold hands in his pockets.

Rather than travel the mountainside on foot, Kieran returned to his fascinating bat-humanoid form to allow them a quick flight to the town border. Everett suspected many would fear Kieran in such an uncanny form, but somehow, he found him quite adorable. His velvety skin also made it quite comfortable to snuggle up against. But maybe it was just illusions of the aphrodisiac that strengthened his attraction toward the vampire. Surely that was it, right?

When they landed, Everett studied Kieran's bat-like appearance as he morphed back into human form. Wings dissolved, pointy ears returned to being smaller, yet still slightly tipped, and his face resembled more a man's than a bat. Strong jawline and very kissable lips. Everett shook such thoughts aside, hoping Kieran didn't find him weird for staring.

✔ Secrets of the Amulet | ONC 2023 | EDITINGTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang