"You know, that wasn't exactly a scream." I said.

"I'm not screaming." John said.

"Yeah, you know I'd beat you if you tried." Erik chuckles.

"It's always a competition with you, isn't it?" John grumbled.

"I'll totally win this one. You wanna go Mira?" Erik asked.

"Sure. I've got nothing better to do." I said. Erik started off with an ear splitting shriek. I was in shock before I even started.

"That was impressive." I said.

"Here. Now you try." He said. I supposed it was a good thing that it was in his nature to turn everything into a game. I felt less panicked.

"I can beat that." I said. "You're still a boy and everyone knows girls can go higher."

"Prove it then." I let out the highest scream that had ever left my throat. I even surprised my self a little when it went on for about fifteen seconds.

"Goodness." Was all Erik could say.

"Does this mean I win?" I asked.

"Amateurs." John grumbled. He lied back and took a deep breath letting out a scream like a banshee. Erik and I just sat there in silence, shock, and awe.

"What? I've been practicing my monster calls." John said.

"We are in a forest filled with monsters. Was that really the best decision?" Erik asked. John paused.

"Probably not, but someone's bound to find us." He said.

"Wow. You go from grump to mister positive in zero flat." I commented.

"Yeah. That's what happens when I'm hungry and being found means food."

"Boys. Their minds are always on their stomachs." I grumbled.

"Who woke up on the wrong side of the boulder  now?" John asked. Silence fell, and we all perked up at the sound of running footsteps.

"Come on girls. Keep it up." Shouted someone.

"Hey!" I yelled. "Help us!" The pounding of footsteps stopped.

"Did you hear that?" A voice said.

"Yeah." Whispered one.

"We're on the fist. Help!" Erik called.

"Erik, is that you?" Asked a girl's voice.

"Maxine?" Erik called.

"Oh my gosh. We've been looking for you guys for forever." Shouted the girl's voice.

"Well, help us!" I shouted. The sounds of footsteps drew near and a few girls popped their heads up to see who was on top of the rock.

"Oh my....." Trailed off one of the girls.

"Just get us out of here." I said irritably. "We were sleeping on gravel all night, I'm hungry, and I have to pee."

"Hold on. We'll go get the hunters." Maxine said.

"No, don't get them." Erik whined, but it was too late. The girls were already jogging back towards camp.

"More waiting?" I asked.

"Yeah, more waiting." John replied.

"I hope they come soon. This chain is really digging into my face." I said.

"I'm sorry. You're probably not too comfortable under that chain." John said. He sat up and got a good look at me. "You're bleeding pretty bad." He said, his brow furrowing.

"Yeah, I know. The chains are small enough that they're cutting me." I said. "I'll be okay, though, right? You have stuff here that can prevent scarring and stuff, don't you? I mean, you have freaking magic."

"I'm sure the Apollo campers have stuff that can help you." John reassured me.

"Hey, I think I hear them." Erik said, turning toward the sound of whistling and barking.

"They brought the wolves." John said dejectedly.

"Come on, pretty boy. It's time to man up. They're just big dogs." Erik said.

"Yeah, but they're dirty." He said. "Erik, I want you to know that if you ever call me pretty boy again, I will hang you upside down from your cabin and leave you there."

"There they are!" A girl shouted. In moments, there were girls all over the boulder, disengaging the traps. One girl helped me to untangle myself from the net. It felt good to get it off of me. My cheek stung where the net was pulled off, as it took some of the dried blood with it, but it was nice to be free.

"We are so sorry. We didn't realize you were still under there." One of the girls said.

"It's okay, ladies. We are all just fine." Erik announced. "Now, let's get back to camp and get something to eat, shall we?" One of the huntresses scowled at him. He just grinned in return.

"You know," whispered John, "using a flirtatious voice on the huntresses is a good way to get yourself impaled."

"What can I say? They're hot, and unavailable. Just my type." Erik said back. "I mean, I get that they're eternal maidens, but-" 

He was quickly silenced by an arrow that landed a mere centimeter from his nose. His eyes widened as he stared at it in horror.

"I'd be careful with your words, sir. One thing about the blessing of Artemis, it ensures we never miss."

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