After 30 minutes, they arrive at Hoseok's penthouse. Hoseok carries the food inside and Nia follows behind him.

Upon entering, the first thing they see is Yoongi giving Namjoon head in the middle of the living room.

Hoseok scoffs, "Really? I can't leave you guys alone for an hour without you getting horny?"

Namjoon carelessly shrugs, leaning his head back in pleasure. He meets eyes with Nia, "Hey baby, how was work?"

Nia rolls her eyes, "I'm quitting." she then walks away towards the bedroom to change into more comfortable clothes.

Both Namjoon and Yoongi furrow their brows, and Hoseok sighs, "She and her sister have been butting heads lately."

Namjoon hums in understanding before letting out a moan, "Mhmm, just like that baby. Now swallow me all up."

Yoongi deepthroats the other until he feels his mouth fill up with warm cum, swallowing all its contents just as told.

"Good boy." Namjoon praises, gently rubbing his fingers through the older's hair.

Hoseok calms his boner as he makes his way to the kitchen, "Go clean up before we eat." he instructs, and the other two obey.

They pass Nia in the hall who has changed into a pink satin robe, scrolling through her phone. Her hair that was once hanging over her shoulders is now pulled up into a messy bun, and her face is clean of any makeup.

She sits down at the island, still preoccupied with her phone. Hoseok steals glances her way as he unpacks the food, wondering what's on her phone that's got so much of her attention.

"What you up to?" He asks her, grabbing plates from his cupboard and placing them along the island.

Nia looks up from her phone, "Oh, I'm going through my analytics on OnlyFans. If I start posting daily with at least three new pieces of content, then my profits will grow at least by 500 a day."

Hoseok places a steak on each plate, "So you've made up your mind about quitting?"

She simply nods, "Yep. Since she feels like she can do everything on her own, then so be it." she shrugs, focusing back on her phone.

He stops his movements and stares at her face, "Shouldn't you as least talk to her before up and leaving? What if you regret your decision after a couple weeks?"

"I'm sure I won't." Hoseok sighs as he drops it. Usually he wouldn't care, but he can tell she's only choosing to do this because there's tension. Tension that they can easily get through if they simply talk it out.

He finds it kind of hypocritical how she refuses to talk it out with her sister but has a problem with him if he doesn't open up. He's tempted to point that out but he honestly doesn't feel like arguing right now.

Namjoon and Yoongi emerge from the back in disheveled states, obviously coming from screwing around.

Dinner consists of sirloin steaks, loaded potatoes, and garlic asparagus.

Everyone sits at the island, accompanied with glasses of red wine and melodic rap that's playing from the tv.

They eat in silence, well Hoseok and Nia eats in silence. Namjoon and Yoongi are having a deep conversation about a random movie they watched earlier in the day.

"I'm still confused on the ending though. Did she actually get away or did she die?" Yoongi questions, scooping potato into his mouth.

Namjoon shakes his head, "Clearly she died. Her getting in the train only symbolizes that she's finally at peace and was able to travel where she's always dreamed of. Obviously she's now a ghost. Or, that could be what she imagined herself to be doing as she took her last breath."

Yoongi blinks, "That's sad as fuck. I thought she got her happy ending."

"Nope, she got murked." Namjoon says casually, starting to cut into his steak.

Yoongi chuckles a little before looking over at Nia and Hoseok who continue to eat silently, "What's up with you two? Ever since y'all came back, the vibe's been weird."

Nia shakes her head, "Nothing's up, I just don't have anything to talk about."

"Same here." Hoseok answers, taking a sip of wine.

Yoongi looks at them suspiciously but shrugs, "Hm, okay."

Hoseok puts his wine glass down, "I just find it funny how Nia preaches about how we should open up and whatnot, but doesn't want to have a simple talk with her sister about how she's feeling."

Nia slowly looks up at him, "The shit that's going on between me and my sister is none of your business. If I want to quit then I have every right to."

"Of course you have the right to, but you're only choosing to leave because there's beef. I bet if y'all weren't arguing then you wouldn't even be thinking about leaving." he says.

She kisses her teeth, "I've been thinking about leaving for some time now. This just gave me the final push to actually do it. I've been working there since I was 18, I haven't received any type of raise or paid leave. I work almost everyday with only one break to eat. I'm literally the only employee she has so I've been cleaning and organizing everything while she sits on her ass half the time. I'm done working there."

Nia stands from the island with her wine glass and walks away to sit on the couch.

Hoseok sighs as he gets up as well, "Why do you always walk away when we're having a discussion? It's rude."

"Okay Hoseok." she dismisses him, starting to chug the rest of her wine.

Hoseok rolls his eyes with a scoff, "Man whatever." he walks towards the back and into his bedroom.

Yoongi and Namjoon share a look, "That was awkward."

y'all if i'm being totally honest, i don't know where this story is going plot wise😭😭like, with my other books ik what's going to happen after each "event" or whatever, but i'm really going chapter by chapter with this one💀i hope it's not all over the place in the end

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