13. Devils in the Daylight

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"Everett Vossane Pepperheart, what in the devil's name is going on here?" Mother halted at the railing, bewildered eyes piercing through his, then swiftly at Kieran, beside him.

"It's not what it looks like." Everett spread his hands. "I promise, mom. We're still investigating Rowena's case together, that's all. He's actually an officer with the Sanguine Council."

Mrs. Pepperheart pursed her lips, eyes squinting at him suspiciously. "Did he find many clues in your neck?"

Heat scorched his face as he gingerly touched the fresh pinpricks in the side of his neck. He swallowed painfully. "Um, there's also an explanation for that."

"Pray tell, let's hear it." She crossed her arms over her chest.

"Kieran helped me unlock old memories that I'd forgotten. We believe Rowena's death could be closely tied with my own kidnapping all those years ago because her husband was also poisoned." Everett straightened his posture, readjusting his collar. "You wouldn't happen to know who would've altered such memories, do you, mother?"

Mrs. Pepperheart's rigid complexion made her resemble a ghost. "Honey, how much do you remember?" She reached for his arm, yanking him away from Kieran. "Have you seen any of them floating around?" Her shaky grip tightened on his arm.

"Seen what?" Everett asked as he wriggled out of her firm grip. "What's going on, mom? Why have you kept from me all these years?"

"You've done laid down with the devil. Not even the Gods can protect you now, Everett. Sealing your memories protected you from those wicked demons. You've unleashed them and there's not a thing anyone can do to keep them away."

"His virtue hasn't been dishonored," Kieran spoke up. "I'm not that despicable of a vampire."

Everett resisted a face-palm. As if speaking of virtue was important. "I remember how I summoned that demon as a child, but you don't need to worry. I've formed a blood bond with Kieran to protect me. It wasn't something I planned to tell you just yet."

"You've sold your soul to another devil. My sweet boy." She reached a hand out, stroking his cheek. "Hurry and leave before your father wakes. I won't tell him of this, but he'll know when word reaches the Supernatural Council. Blood bonds are forbidden in Marusticia. We do not form courtships with the enemy, and nobody in Briarwood will approve of this. I do not approve."

"You silly wench, if not for this bond, he would be stalked by the damned," Kieran snapped. Hatred burned in his crimson eyes. "That's why you asked about shadows, knowing full well the demons would come to collect on his soul. He's already marked for death with that poison and they'll do anything they can to speed up the process."

"Don't act like some savior. I should've known better when you visited him in the hospital, pretending to be his friend. Pretending to care." Mrs. Pepperheart plucked her wand from her robe's pocket, channeling her magic through it. "Have you already manipulated him to your will?"

"Mother, put your wand down." Everett intervened by grabbing her arm, preventing any hexes or worse from hitting the vampire. "I am fully in control of my mind. Being with a vampire is very unorthodox, but he's good to me. Kieran really does want to help."

Worry shrouded her face as she shook her head, pulling Everett in a tight embrace. "I don't want to lose you." She stroked a hand through his honey blond hair before loosening her grasp. "You almost died before, and I swore to the Gods above I wouldn't let it happen again."

"I'm not dying, mom. Please, have faith in me. I wouldn't let some vampire charm me without considering the repercussions." Everett crossed his arms over his chest.

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