14. Traps and Hexes

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Darkness spilled across the dimly lit library as ripples of fire engulfed the shelves around them in hellfire. The demoness cackled like a maniac while Everett backed away, turning to run back in the direction of his desk. As if something there would somehow save him.

Panic struck him as he weaved through his familiar, burning shelves just to reach his desk. A skeleton sat in his chair. Behind him, the demoness approached with her loyal little demon dog. Everett clambered behind his desk anyway, rolling the skeleton away as he frantically rummaged through his desk's drawers.

He couldn't be in hell, could he? Everett didn't know what he was looking for. Yet something compelled him to keep searching for anything that might save his soul. When the demoness neared his desk, he mustered up the courage to curse her to death. It drained his energy, yet it deterred her none. Spiderwebs of black spilled across her face, but it did little to fend her off.

Finally, a thick leather spellbook caught his eye. Everett yanked it out, waving his wand over it on the floor. The demoness couldn't see what he was doing. Hell, even Everett didn't know what he was doing. Not until he flipped the page open to reveal an ancient symbol printed on the inside cover of the Acharne vampire family.

Was that Kieran's way of reaching out to him? A part of their soul-bond connection? Everett eagerly pursed the first page on how to form a contract with their vampires and how to summon them at whim. Everett had no time to study it or skim the pages.

Mustering all the magical energy in his body, he mentally prepared himself like he'd summon a spirit. Instead of using Kieran's name or any extra ingredients, he used the air around him to slice a cut through his arm and called out for the vampire's help. Just like he'd done all those years ago when he accidentally summoned a demon to kill those bastard hunters.

Around them, the library dissolved into nothingness. The demon's unearthly wails ripped through his ears as he tried to block them out. Warmth caressed him in the darkness as he let his heartbeat settle into place and soon, he found himself back where he once stood in his own library. Laying on the floor.

Rowena floated above him, wailing Kieran's name. Everett forced himself up with a groan, rubbing at his aching head. When had he fainted? What the hell happened?

"Everett!" Kieran dropped to his side, clenching his hand tightly. "Fuck, I thought she'd taken you."

Everett blinked. "What's going on? Where did the demons go?"

"It was an illusive trap for you." Kieran shook his head. "She pulled you down into her own domain in hell. I heard your pleas for help, but it was difficult to reach you."

"Domain?" Everett frowned.

"A demon's home," he clarified. "I think she planned to take your soul tonight, leaving you here to die. Like she tried with Rowena."

"How do you know that?" Everett shook his head. "Rowena, did you remember how you died?"

A sad smile touched the ghost's lips. "I did. Seeing you faint like that resurfaced those ungodly memories. We summoned the same demon, Everett. My curse prevented her from claiming my soul, but it couldn't save Richard or any of the men who loved me."

"Gods. And she's not going to give up, will she?" Everett asked, trembling.

"Afraid not." Kieran groaned. "But that's why we need to officiate this. To prevent her from pulling such stunts again. Under a vampire's protection, demons can't do anything. Not unless they want to be shredded by an army of vampires."

"At least buy the boy a ring first," Rowena said.

A blush tinted Everett's cheeks. "We have to marry to keep my soul from going to hell?"

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