Chapter 46 - Courage

Start from the beginning

This is how it should be.


They both changed into clean clothes, and when they walked out of the locker room, the sun had already set, but it was still warm. It was still lively in the school campus. It was probably mainly because of the nice weather and the fact that the weekend was here. Most students were already mentally prepared for the upcoming summer holiday, so the atmosphere seemed somehow looser.

Hyunjin without hesitation grabbed Felix's hand and intertwined their fingers. Felix was startled as he wasn't used to this and gave Hyunjin an questionable look.

"I told you I meant it." Hyunjin reminded him, trying to sound as confident as possible, even though he didn't really know how he would react if someone had any remarks.

Fortunately, they did not meet anyone who would give them any special attention, which gave Hyunjin the courage to even joyfully swing their holding hands in the air. It all seemed very surreal to Felix. He dreamed of it for so long that it almost seemed unattainable. And now he goes literally hand in his hand publicly with his beautiful prince on Friday evening in the school campus.

Hyunjin already wanted to turn towards the way where Felix's dorm was, but he stopped him.

"I'm somehow living on Chan and Changbin's couch now," he admitted shyly. "I have most of my stuff there, so..."

Felix did not continue because he did not want to force Hyunjin to return to the place where it all happened. Moreover, he somehow knew that he wouldn't like to see Chan. Despite the fact that Chan had bad conscience as he had interfered with their relationship, Hyunjin had the right to be still angry with him.

"Oh, I see... Well... so I'll go with you there?"

Felix didn't believe his eyes. If he met Hyunjin just now, he would swear he was drunk. He did not understand where the courage suddenly came from. Maybe he just didn't get what he was implying.

"But Chan might be there..." He tried to tell him again.

"Well, that's probably all the more reason to go there with you, isn't it? I think we need to talk." Hyunjin said maturely and was already pulling Felix out of the campus by his hand.

"Wow, Jinnie, I'm shocked. You're not going to fight him, are you?" The silver-haired joked, but deep down he was a little worried about it.

"Oh please, Lix! I know you love me so much that you still have rose-colored glasses. But have you seen my hand compared to Chan's? I wouldn't survive a second." Hyunjin laughed at the thought. No, Bang Chan really wasn't someone he wanted to pick a fight with.

"I'd protect you; you forget my taekwondo skills."

"I still think you made it up anyway."

"Why would I do that?"

"Because you're trying to be a cool Aussie boy who actually has a black belt in taekwondo."

"Just joke around a little longer and I'll show you why I'm a black belt soon enough."

They bickered like this all the way to the apartment where Felix was staying temporarily. It was so freeing and carefree. They both hadn't laughed for so long that they felt like every stupid thing they said would make them laugh now.


Felix was unlocking the door and found it strange that the apartment was dark. He called inside to say hello, but no one called back.

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