Truck looks down, shaking his leg in worry. Roxie stood there in silence for a minute, picking up the laptop from the floor back on the couch. She then sits back down next to her husband, holding him close to her.
"I don't wanna see you upset like this, hun. You should know that we can't take any more chances like this. It's a dangerous world out there, and I need to learn how to defend myself. I don't want another incident to happen again. Will you help me out here? For your friends? For our son?"
Roxie leans over and kisses Truck on the cheek. Truck, after thinking for a second, sighs and hugs Roxie. "Okay. Whatever you need, Roxie. I'm here for you."
"Thanks, darling. I love you."
"I love you too."

Right at that moment, TJ bolts down the stairs, yelling for his parents. "MOM! DAD!"
Truck and Roxie both stand up in a quick motion, running to their son.
"TJ! What is it?!", Roxie yelled.
"This place looks so cool! I wanna go here on vacation when school's out!"
He points to a brochure from the junk mail lying outside the door, listing a getaway island with a large hotel, a beautiful beach, delicious food, an entertainment center and a surfing competition starting one week from now. Winner gets ten thousand dollars and a free night on a cruise ship.
"A getaway island, huh?", questions Truck.

Roxie was more focused on the surfing competition. She remembers during her youth, she would go down to the beach and surf the waves with her friends for fun, being taught by her old teacher. She always loved the water, and felt like she's flying through the waves, which made her really happy.
"Huh. I used to surf back in the day.", Roxie added.
Truck looked at Roxie and raised an eyebrow. "Whoa, wait, you did? You never told me this before."
"It's been many years, but yea, I used to go surfing with a few of my friends back in the day."
TJ looked up at her mom with big glossy eyes. "Mom, you were a surfer? Can you teach me how?!"
"Haha, I'm not so sure. I've been out of practice for so long, that-"
"C'mon! It'll be fun! We can even practice down at the beach next to Uncle Spike's work!"
"Uhhh.. I mean, I guess we could work something out after the school day is over tomorrow."

TJ races back upstairs, all giddy for tomorrow's trip to the beach. Truck puts his hands on Roxie's shoulder, leaning into her neck.
"You should really show me those moves of yours out there. Would love to see you in that orange bikini again." Truck winks at Roxie, making her blush.
"You are terrible... but, I do miss wearing that in the water."
"You'll look great out there, trust me."
Truck kisses Roxie's neck, leaning back up.
"Haha, alright, it's nearly dinner time, and I'm getting peck-ish. I'll order take-out."

As Truck leaves the living room, calling up the phone to order take-out, Roxie looks back at the brochure. She would love to spend more time with her family on an island for the weekend, especially getting back out in the water to surf again. She's been stressed out these past couple of months, so she would love to not have to worry about anything for a while. Thinking it over, she goes to the bedroom, picks up her phone and calls the phone number on the brochure.

The next day comes, and the Stonewells make their way to the beach after picking TJ up from school. With the necessary beachwear and supplies, they head down to the beach, setting up their place. Truck and TJ were wearing a tank-top and swimming trunks, while Roxie was chilling out in a bright orange bikini she hasn't worn in a few years. She's surprised it still fit, knowing she's grown a bit bigger, but nothing too concerning for her. Truck lays on the beach chair, watching his wife and son near the ocean on some surfboards they bought from Lenny's Surf Shop. Roxie instructs TJ on the same lessons on surfing she was taught a long time ago, although forgetting some steps, but looked up surfing lessons online before yesterday.

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