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Marina sat in the small hotel room, staring at her reflection in the mirror

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Marina sat in the small hotel room, staring at her reflection in the mirror. She adjusted her wig, pulling it down over her ears, and pouted her lips as she applied bright red lipstick. It was her first night in Moscow, and the start of her mission for the CIA.
She was nervous, but she knew what was at stake. The Cold War was at its height, and tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union were running high. Marina had been chosen for this mission because of her intelligence, her bravery, and her ability to blend in with any crowd.
Mr Parker, her boss at the CIA, had handpicked her for this mission. She was to pose as a foreign prostitute and infiltrate the inner circle of the Soviet government. It was a dangerous job, but Marina was up for the challenge.
She was one of the only black women working for the CIA which has been hard but worth it.
This mission in Russia was going to be a challenge as Russia don't have any black population but she saw this as a chance to attract more interest.

She made her way to a nearby nightclub.
It didn't take long catch the eye for the General Strouganoff. He was a portly man in his sixties, with thinning hair and a bulbous nose. Marina wasn't attracted to him, but she knew that he could be a valuable source of information.
She started carefully studying his interests, his likes, and his dislikes. She even learned to cook some of his favorite dishes. She knew that if she could become his favorite, he would be more likely to confide in her and share state secrets.
She had spent countless hours at the nightclub, hoping to catch his eye. And finally, after months of waiting, it happened. General Strouganoff walked into the club, and his eyes met hers. Marina knew this was her chance.
She sauntered over to him, her hips swaying in the tight black dress she wore. She laughed at his jokes and listened intently as he talked about his life and his work. Over the next few weeks, Marina continued to meet with General Strouganoff, slowly building a relationship with him.
She became his confidant, someone he trusted and confided in. They would spend hours talking about everything from politics to the family she invented .
It was a dangerous game she played, and the risks were high. She knew that one wrong move could mean the end of her mission and, possibly, her life. But Marina was up for the challenge. She was determined to succeed, no matter the cost.

Marina in Moscow : A spy story [SHORT STORY]Where stories live. Discover now