Danger is approaching

Start from the beginning

"But it's stressing you out and you're supposed to be resting."

"Yes, and I will once I find Wo Fat."

Catherine then walked out of his office again. When he got into something like that, you couldn't change his mind.

That's how the next few days went. No new case came in at first, much to Steve's delight. He worked day and night on a lead to Wo Fat. But he wasn't successful. Until one day he had to stop work to help with a money transport, when the case turned out differently and they had to support Lou. Because Ian Wright kidnapped his daughter.

At the time, Steve had absolutely no idea this had anything to do with Wo Fat. However, he was soon to find out when Samantha suddenly stormed into headquarters and told what had happened...

Steve kept asking.

"And what did he say?"

Samantha swallowed, but then continued.

"He wanted me to tell you something. He said you and he should clarify something."

"He's after you."

Chin replied, looking at Steve.

"Let him."

Suddenly Grover's cell phone rang.

"Yes?...Yes Governor, I'm coming. I'm afraid the boss wants to see me."

Steve immediately offered to help Grover.

"Okay, I'll come with you."

"It's out of the question. I stand for it. Whatever happens now, I really just want to say thank you, that you were there for me, all of you."

Then Grover shook hands with Steve and left with his daughter.

Steve then disappeared into his office and searched for surveillance cameras that were near Ian Wright's house. But again he was disappointed, there were none. He got angry, slammed the laptop shut and ran his hands over his face. Steve was at the end of his nerves and really didn't know what to do anymore.

For this reason, he quickly took his car keys and left the headquarters. Catherine looked after him, figuring he would need some time to himself, so she didn't chase after him.

Steve just drove aimlessly through the streets of Honolulu. He was deep in thought, thinking that somehow he had to track down Wo Fat. He didn't notice the black SUV that had been following him at a distance since the HQ. As Steve turned into a more remote road that was close to the sea, the SUV pulled up to his car very quickly.

Then Steve noticed, this one of course. But too late. The SUV hit Steve's car and Steve lost control of his car. He hit a tree and lost consciousness.

At headquarters:

The team stood at the computer desk and talked about an older case and the incomplete file on it. That's when Duke called her.

"Hey Duke, what's up?"

"We received a message, the sender is anonymous. But the message is addressed to you. I'll send it over to you."

"Okay, thanks Duke."

They hung up and opened the message.

"To Five-0: That was just the beginning."

Below was a picture. This showed a car standing smoking on the side of the road. They all knew this car only too well.

"That's Steve's car!" came Catherine's voice.

"We have to go immediately!"

Everyone jumped into their cars and Kono located Steve's cell phone. She led the team to Steve's location.

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