Looking forward to it, Mon petite fille.

You finish getting ready and head for the convention center. Remy LeBeau's lecture is another highly sought after event, and they had to hold it in the large ballroom. When you get to the lecture's check-in desk, you identify yourself. One of the men gets up and says, "Professor LeBeau reserved a seat for you. Please come with me and I'll show you to your seat."

"Wow, great. Thank you."

This time, you are ten minutes early and the room is already almost filled to capacity. The man has saved you a seat on the first row, right in front of the podium. You think, "This man wanted to keep his eyes on me."

Right on time, one of the event coordinators comes on stage to introduce the esteemed professor Remy LeBeau. He enters to loud applause. And to your delight, the man is wearing his brown herringbone sport jacket with brown leather elbow patches. His eyes find you immediately and he gives you a quick eyebrow raise. Seeing it, you give him a knowing smile and a small shake of your head. What he does next catches you off guard and makes your bottom sodden with your own arousal. He holds your gaze for a few seconds and then with a little mischievous smirk on his lips, he gives you a wink.

You think, "I guess I like men winking at me. What does that say about me?" You shake your head to clear the cobwebs of lust from your mind and pay attention. Every couple of minutes during his ninety-minute lecture, his eyes return to yours. You can feel women's eyes on you, wondering exactly what your relationship to the brilliant and debonair professor is. You act as if you are oblivious to it all and pay close attention to the speaker.

When the lecture is finally over, he gives you a signal to wait while still on stage. So, you sit in your seat as everyone slowly files out of the ballroom. In a couple of minutes, Remy LeBeau comes from a door on the left and jogs up to you. He says, "Hello Cher, what did you think about the lecture?"

"Brilliant as always. Still filling out that jacket like a champ."

He guffaws and says, "Why, Thank you, Cher. You are too kind, I am sure. So, have you had coffee yet this morning?"

"Now that you mention it, I have not."

"Would you let me buy you a cup then?"

"Yes, I would love that."

You and Remy return to the restaurant where the two of you shared lunch together the first day of the conference for some coffee and conversation. Remy says, "I am sorry if I came on too strong last night. I wanted to make sure that I apologized for that."

"Remy, you did not come on too strong last night. I thought it was just the right amount of coming on." You say with a sweet smile on your face.

"You are an absolute delight. I find I quite enjoy your company and would like the opportunity to keep more of it, Cher."

"I don't see why we couldn't."

"Good. It's settled then. So, when are you flying out?"

"Tomorrow afternoon. What about you?"

"I'll be leaving this afternoon."

"Oh... you are?"

Remy sees the disappointment on your face and feels a warm pleasure come over him. Then he says, "Cher, when you get home, text me and we can get together for dinner."

"Yes, okay."

Looking at his watch, Remy says, "I'm sorry Jolie fille, but I need to get going. It was so good to catch up this weekend."

When he gets up, so do you. Then Remy says, "You travel safe, Cher." The two of you embrace and say goodbye. You watch Remy walk out of the restaurant with a sigh and sit back down to finish your coffee. As you take another sip, you register another person sitting right next to you in the seat that Remy had occupied only a minute ago. Knowing that there are plenty of other empty seats at the counter, you look to see who would opt to sit right next to someone. You turn with a bit of annoyance to find that that person is Jimin.

Chance Upon A TempestWhere stories live. Discover now