
Y/n get up then tyuzu drag her in ground and throw her

Y/n.ahhh ho-w da-re you

Girl××.everyone listen She is one who teach our Taehyung wanna give her punishment?

Everyone. Yeahhh


At another side

Taehyung. Why she didn't come?

Jona.let ms check

Taehyung. Hm


They all throwing stuff on y/n like flour egg water ketchup

Y/n.leaveee meeeeee

She pounch a guy

Boy.ahh how dare she

Jona watch everything her eyes widen she run

Jona.Taehyung y/n

Taehyung.what happens?

Jona.follow Me

After saying she left Taehyung follow her

In grounds

Boy.youuuu he throw a water bollon on her and pick another ballon then Taehyung hold his hand
Taehyung Snatch ballon and throw on him he punch him and drag him from his hairs

He throw them on ground and punching them who throwing stuffs

Taehyung go close to her and pick her on his arm

Tyuzu.why he care ahhhhh

Girl××.just shh

Taehyung.are you ok?


Taehyung.dont tou all dare to do this again I' warn you ⚠️

dont tou all dare to do this again I' warn you ⚠️

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After saying he Left while picking her

He lay her down on desk

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