Short #1: Multiple Choice Exam

Start from the beginning

Ms. Cherilee: "Uh...okay then." She shrugs before she continued to do her normal teacher things at her desk.

Y/N: ' answer's got a five, C has a five, it must be C.'

You guessed as you filled in C in your scantron.

Y/N: 'Alright, eighteen more questions to go. We're making good progress. Just gotta keep this pace up.'

Your thoughts were interrupted again as you heard Miles turning the page of his test once again.

Y/N: 'Bro what is this man on? I know he's smart as hell, but he's gotta be skipping questions to be able to go that fast. It's only been like five seconds. It has to be that.'

You then turned to Micro Chips who rapidly nodded his head, having the exact same thoughts as you.

Y/N: 'Micro seems to be thinking the same thing.'

Ms. Cherilee: "Yes Miles?" You heard as you turned back to see Miles raising his hand.

Miles: "I'm finished. Do I turn it in or are you gonna collect it by the end?"

Ms. Cherilee: "I'll collect it by the end." She said as you and Micro silently threw your hands up in disbelief before focusing on the test again and took a look at the next problem.'

Y/N: 'Alright, focus up Y/N. This next one's not too bad.'

It was once again another find the variable problem. You did the same thing as with the previous problem until you got what you thought is the right answer.

Y/N: 'Y equals fourteen. Please be there, please be there.'

You pleaded to yourself as you scanned the choices of the third problem and thankfully, fourteen is one of the answers.

Y/N: 'Thank god bro! We're about to speedrun this test.' You thought proudly to yourself as a montage of you taking the test plays out.

Y/N (Problem 3): 'Two x minus three is seven.'

Y/N (Problem 4): 'The derivative of 2x is two.'

Y/N (Problem 5): 'One point two four one five nine six six five three four.'

Y/N (Problem 6): 'The circumfrunce of a triangle is...'

Y/N (Problem 7): '...divide by the radius and then we get our answer.'

Y/N: 'Ayo bro. Why is my scantron looking mega sus though?' You asked as you took another look at what you filled out.

And your answers were all Cs.

Y/N: 'There's no way. Something's not right. Lemme just...lemme just take a small peek.' You thought as leaned a bit over to Micro Chip's paper.

You saw that his scantron had all A's as the answers up to number seven. After seeing that, you glanced back over to your test paper and thought about what to do for a bit before making your decision.

Y/N: 'CANCEL THE OPERATION BOIS!!' You frantically thought as you erased what you had so far and filled in all A's like Micro Chips. 'I REPEAT!! CANCEL THE OPERATION!! WE'VE COMPLETELY MISFIRED!! REDIRECT!! REDIRECT!!'

You calmed down after making your readjustments to your scantron.

Y/N: 'Okay, let's relax here. We've got this. We just need to calm down.' You thought as you took a deep breath.

Ms. Cherilee: "One minute left class." She said as you stayed silent and did nothing for a few moments.

Y/N: 'Screw it! We're just hoping and praying now!'

You then began to just guess random answers for the remaining problems.

Y/N: 'No chance that's right.' You thought as you filled in the next few answers with guesses.

It was safe to say that you were funzo donezo.

Y/N: 'Better hide your report card. Say goodbye to your A. The theatres are always hiring.'

*Timeskip to after class*

You and the boys walked out of the class with exhausted looks on your faces, with the exception of Miles.

Flash Sentry: "So how did you all do on the test boys? I'm omega screwed." He said while sighing.

Y/N: "Oh yeah no, same here. I'm mega f**ked. My grade's super funzo donezo."

Normal Norman: "Why was that test so hard?!" He asked with an exhauted groan.

Micro Chips: "Nothing couldn've prepared me for how difficult that test would be."

Sandalwood: "Dudes, if even Micro is having trouble, you know that this test was brutal!"

Heath Burns: "I really hope I got a decent enough score that my grade can tank it."

Miles: "Really? I thought the test was really easy." He said with a cheeky grin as the rest of you simply deadpanned at Miles.

Y/N: "Eat my ass Miles. Not all of us are dummy smart like you." You said as you playfully poked his forehead which he laughed at.

Miles: "Maybe you should actually study next time. I'm always open to tutoring you specifically my guy." He said while grinning at you.

Flash Sentry: "Anyways, you guys down to hanging out at the Sweet Snacks Cafe after school so we can wallow in our misery?"

Y/N: "Yeah...I'm down. Might as well enjoy my last moments on Earth before my parents execute me once they see my grade." You joked around as the boys chuckled.

Miles: "I'm down too. Haven't been there in a while." He said as the bells than rang.

Heath Burns: "Alright, let's all meet at the front of the school after our last class. I'll see you later gang."

Y/N: "See ya boys!" You waved to them before you all went your seperate ways and headed over to your next classes.

Hey just because there are other issues that will spring up in the future, like a few magical based battles ahead, that doesn't mean those are the ONLY inconviniences you have to deal with in your life.

Like right now you're trying to figure out a way to hide your eventual report card without arrousing suspicion from your parents.

(A/N: That caps off my first short of the story. These mainly just serve as silly bite-sized chapters to give you guys something while I get the actual chapters worked on. I hope you guys like this one even though it's not long in the slightest, like maybe a minute or two worth of words.

If you guys are interested in seeing more short chapters similar to this one, lemme know here in the comments.

Also, if you guys know what video this short is based off of, you get a cookie :)

Anyways, Imma go and continue working on the next chapter. Peace out!)

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