Dream tries not to startle him; he had never actually seen George cry and knew how it would embarrass him so. He approaches with caution, sliding in front of the door but maintaining a respectful distance.


As expected, George jumps and furiously wipes his face, turning away and looking for something to do with his hands. He ends up seizing a tin and feigning a struggle to find its home.

"You ok?"

George sniffs and blinks, turning back and avoiding eye contact. He mentally curses the dull flush colouring his cheeks,

"Yeah, I'm fine." he insists and Dream crosses his arms, leaning against the doorframe.

"George... there isn't a screen between us anymore. you don't have to pretend. And you, well- you don't have to leave and deal with it on your own" he shrugs. George is surprised and instantly awkward, but touched. Dream grins and George mirrors it slightly hesitantly.

"So, what's up?"

George's temporary smile fades "um it's kinda weird"

"Babes, when you've seen Sapnap cry over Rapunzel getting her hair cut off, nothings weird" he snorts, and George can't help but laugh too

Babes- that was so Dream to casually throw in a meaninglessly affectionate nickname without acknowledging it.

"He's going to kill you"

"I'd like to see him try"

They lapse back into silence, Dream smiling patiently as George looks down and licks his lips, suddenly feeling very foolish. But if anyone wouldn't judge, surely it would be him.

"My bed, like, doesn't feel like my bed" he mumbles, blushing at how ridiculous it sounds, but Dream doesn't laugh. Instead, he steps closer then pauses, checking to see if the boy was alright with it. Deciding anyway, he pulls the brunette into his arms and holds him close. George's own arms snake around his chest, meeting at the back and allowing himself once again to be held. And just like before, it feels amazing.

"Thank you" he mutters embarrassedly and Dream laughs

"You're not going to thank me after this"

"What do you-" his words ae interrupted by the ground disappearing beneath his feet. In pure fear he grips onto the only anchor he can find- that being Dream- who has already set off out the kitchen

"Dream put me down!"

"Nah, come on"

George struggles a little then gives up, allowing himself to be taken wherever.

'Wherever' turns out to be the basement- Dream's room. George is silent as his heart thumps, but Dream walks in and tips him gently into bed.

Sapnap had been right, it was nice down here; walls a stone grey with a metal bed frame, darker grey covers and a cool glow emanating from the strip lights along the walls. They weren't harsh but subtle on his eyes and he found himself relaxed. Dream catches him staring and raises an eyebrow. George looks away, afraid to move or do something wrong.

"You don't have to stay- but my bed is nice and warm. It won't be exactly like yours at home, but we can fall asleep talking like we always do, only this time in person I guess" he chuckles and George nods slowly, waiting for Dream to lay down which he does. George follows suit and soon they are facing each other in silence. There is a settled tension as they stare for a moment before Dream frowns.

"Why do you call me green jellybean?" He says out of the blue

George is surprised.

"You know why"

"Yes, because my avatar looks like a green jellybean running around- but why green? that makes no difference to your colourblind ass"

George snorts unattractively, taken off guard "Are you insulting my disability?"


"Well, I know you're green, and I know that vegetable bean is green. And it sounds funny"

"But I look yellow to you- wouldn't it make more sense to call me a yellow jellybean?"


There is silence as Dream smiles a genuine smile.

"Goodnight George"

"Goodnight... yellow jellybean"

there is a smattering of giggles before the quiet. To his relief, the lights do not go off, so they sleep in a sort of dusk state. To his own surprise, George is asleep in minutes, and this time it is Dream who lies awake.


God, he looks so much happier in sleep, Dream thinks shrewdly. he had rolled over after thirty minutes of silence and sure enough the boy was fast asleep, one hand gripping the duvet to his chin, mouth slightly open and face wrought of the anxiety of the day.

Dream had seen him asleep over call (not often- Dream slept during the day and was usually out like a light than they called- his own face cam off of course), but there was something so much more personal about witnessing him without the virtual barrier.

Dream simply stares, taking in the slack of his jaw, the curve of his soft body under the covers which stopped halfway down the bed for he apparently slept curled up in the foetal position. It was endearing to the blonde but made him slightly sad. He had waited so long to meet his best friend and all he wanted to do was close the distance- but George wasn't like that.

He was strategic and calculated in his moves- and unlike Dream, didn't lead with the heart.

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