"Our priorities are saving the residents of this village while staying alive. If you get injured, move to the back or signal for assistance. Those who aren't skilled fighters should focus on getting people to safety or distributing potions. No matter what, I won't let any of you die."

Just hearing the confidence in his words filled them with awe and caused goosebumps to form on their exposed skin. They recalled how no one had died during the last terrorist attack they had witnessed or personally experienced. Would such an event happen again? Could he truly stop death? Was that something a human favored by the Gods could actually do?

While the outsiders were distracted, the youth passed several divine items to the short haired brunette and silver eyes Saint. They both confirmed that they understood their unspoken tasks and stealthily activated the devices. Everyone could feel the chill of death and the warmth of the sun flowing through the space around them. As soon as the deity infused his own divine energy, the range of the devices' powers increased drastically and enveloped the entire forest.

"Let's go."

Everyone nodded prior to following the noble who used his wind ancient power to propel himself towards the rapidly growing conflict. Directly on his heels were the dragons, swordmasters and various experts from his family. Only the outsiders were struggling to keep up. Although the awe they felt towards the deity's group was steadily growing. Sensing that the soldiers and younger knights were falling behind, the former princess quickly cast enhancement and speed magic on them which caused a few to stumble in shock. It took them a few seconds to realize what had happened before they restarted running towards their objective.

Unfortunately, the sight that greeted them when they at last emerged through the trees was an extremely nauseating one. Beautiful entities were soaked in their own blood as well as the blood of their family members while they struggled to run from the toxic black liquid that burst from the dead mana bombs. Trees were burning while the land was being tainted. It was indeed a one sided massacre. Even with the elementals on their side.


Ignoring the startled exclaim of one of the younger knights, the God of Love briskly altered his appearance so his fiery locks were not visible. Then he removed his dagger from his spatial pouch and launched himself directly towards the battlefield. As if on cue, a wave of black aura and a familiar white dragon attacked the enemies in front of him. His lips curled up into a smirk when he saw the Chois were clearing a way for him without even needing to be told to.

-There's a strange mage over there, Papa. He smells like dead mana and something else. It's weird. None of the other mages smell like him. Should I kill him?


Disguised reptilians searched the fighting mortals for the unusual existence. Although it didn't take him too long to locate it. There was only one dead body currently moving around.

<Amna. Is there more than one lich currently under the White S*- Radish's control?>

-No, Sweetie. That mage over there is simply a corpse being manipulated by the lich. Since he is not actually within the body, you cannot kill him by destroying his current puppet.

<Got it. Thank you.>

-Please be careful, Amias.

Faint traces of white divine energy started to creep out of the tattoo on the youth's back when he did not respond to the God of Life's sincere request. Even if they could not personally be with their child in order to protect him, they would not let any existence harm him. Not ever again.

-Rasheel. Destroy the lich's puppet. Just be careful of the dead mana.

-Lich? Seriously? Where? Oh! Found it!

Two Stars Collide: Part 2 - A TCF/LCF FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now