Y/n shuttered at the idea. Several people had, many watching the walls as others prayed. It was a long night for everyone. As Y/n and Cherry tended to everyone and aidded many who came threw the tunnel Y/n had come threw, they noticed the room was growing too small.

"I'll be back," Y/n called over to Cherry after bandaging a man's arm. "I'm going back up there."

"No your not," Cherry snapped as she applied a cream to a man's burns. "Salem wouldn't forgive me if I let you."

Y/n narrowed her eyes and held firm.

"There isn't enough room down here. We'll be overcrowded and we won't be able to help anyone if we are packed in here," Y/n reasoned. "I'm going to try and find a Whispering Death to make a new tunnel for us to use. A way for everyone to get out."

The ground quivered and quaked around them in warning. Cherry sighed and gave a nod as she quickly settled everyone. Y/n gave a nod in thanks before heading up the tunnel. Just as she peeked her head threw, she found Koby and Liu defending off the intruders as a few people coward behind them. They were critical injured, and if not treated, would die. Crawling out, Y/n got to work.

"Miss Y/n."

Y/n looked to see who she was tending and fell into shock. She didn't recognize him at first due to the injures and grime, but his kind eyes were enough.

"Haggard..," Y/n blinked befuddled.

"Y/n?" Liu had glanced behind. "What are you doing?"

Y/n had Haggard put pressure on his wound before throwing her sword into one of the attackers shoulder. Liu took the change to rid of them before blocking a blow aimed for Koby. Simultaneously, Liu grabbed Y/n's sword to use in defense.

"It's too crowded, we need a bigger space," Y/n explained guiding the injured to the tunnel. "I thought maybe if a Whispering Death carved us a tunnel, or a bigger space.."

Y/n had drew her knife blocking a swordsmen blow. Haggard, withdrew his sword and plunged it deep into the man's stomach. Y/n offered a thankful smile before urging Haggard below.

"Over here!"

Y/n looked over to find Salem and Ashaw coming over with a few well armed men. Liu and Koby were both grateful for the aid as the harsh blows lessened one by one. When the intruders had fallen, Koby turned to Salem, voice filled with urgency.

"We need to get everyone off this island. This is only the first fleet. More will come soon, we have to hurry."

"I'd say it's a little too late."

Turning, the five found a large build male with a small, seemingly thin boy. Y/n felt every hair on her neck stand at the sight of them. It was as if she was looking at Stoick and Hiccup. Liu and Koby were the first to stand defensively infront of Y/n. Salem and Ashaw stood ready to do whatever necessary. The other armed men stood fast, ready for a fight.

"So this is where you ran off too?" The large male spoke again.

Salem and Ashaw glanced to each other confused. Y/n and Liu got the answer to who the man was talking to quicker. Seeing Koby cower was answer enough.

"If you expose where these people are hiding, I'll let you off easy," the man promised.

Salem and Ashaw looked back to Koby, expression almost pleading. Koby took one look to Y/n and looked back to them.

"I'll see you bastards in Niflheim," Koby spat before whistling loudly.

Dragon of several species had crawled and emerged from the crevices of the walls. The stragglers flocked over. The invaders were quick to defend themselves as Koby held tightly to his blade.

Two Misfits (Hiccup x Reader) RemakeWhere stories live. Discover now