Chapter 40: The Royal Crystal Family

Start from the beginning

"Like i had a working phone?!" I said, stunned.

"No excuse!" They said in unison.

After all that drama, we would then go into a great room. Inside was some luxury furniture here and there, but most importantly, Sven and teguma were there to greet us.

"Eyyyyy you survived! You slick bastard haha!" Sven said, walking up to me and giving me a high five.

"I was dreadfully worried about you mister San. I'm overjoyed to see you alive and well." Teguma said with a nod. If he could smile, he probably was.

"Now onto the most important thing, my son...." tamono said as she walked ahead of me and turned to me.

I raised a brow in confusion.

"Which of these fine ladies will be you bride?" She said, gesturing to the senshi on the other side of the room, conversing with each other.

"Mooooom!" Me and sis said in unison.

"Really?" Moro said flatly.

"Brides, grooms, wedding bells, tee hee!" Said daisuke, hopping around in the air.

"Wow San, you survive a demon invasion, now ya gotta find a chick to marry. Good luck!" Sven said, slapping me on the back.

"Mom, they're senshi....not the girls at the village." I said as a point.

"It doesn't have to be a girl at the village or any particular place. My son needs a good woman to support him and bear his children!.....well...there's more to it than that deserve a good woman, dear." Mom said with a smile.

Tamono, my foster mother, has always wanted to see her kids married off to have gorgeous families and live happy lives as any mother would. With my case, I've been overly cautious.....there's just so much cheating and crap going on in today's society, that i decided to clam up and not date anyone. However, i do long for a good girl, maybe a family with her after marriage.

Sailor Venus, the leader of the inner senshi, sports a cute red bow, long flowing blonglde hair and an orange fuku. She also has crystal blue eyes that are dazzling.

Sailor mars, the fiery senshi with long, gorgeous black hair, red fuku, and deep purple eyes. Even though she was hot headed, them legs and heels don't lie.

Sailor mercury, shortest of the bunch, has blue hair, eyes, and fuku. Insanely smart and a gifted doctor from what I hear.

Sailor jupiter, second tallest senshi, has brown hair and green eyes. I heard she runs her own restaurant and is one of the best wholesome cooks around.....even though its probably pricey.

I stopped gushing over the girls and got with the program.

"Mom, i-" i said before the girls walked over to our group.

I didn't see her before, until now, but the Queen was among them! How did i miss her?? She sticks out like a sore thumb!!

Beside her on her right was three individuals. I recognized them from articles in the paper from across seas, they were known as Luna, Artemis, and their daughter Diane. To the left of the queen, was a rather tall, busty woman garnered in rather mystical attire, like that of a fortune teller. I heard about her too, she's the court sorceress, miss Beryl. Her staff was rather plain with a dark wooden shaft and a bright blue ball on top. She towered over me easily, but only by a half foot or so i think.

The queen would nod towards sailor mars, the one that set me on fire earlier today, and she walked up to me with a deep sigh.

"I'm sorry i attacked you and hurt you under the rash notion that you were a demon lord of sorts.....I'm truly ashamed." She said with a sincere bow.

"Ahhhhh it's fine, i probably deserved it in some way. It's all good!" I said with a smile.

"Thank you." She said, walking back to the group.

Sailor Uranus had knife like stares at her from my side of the room. I looked at her, only for her to scoff and look the other way.

"Haruka....apologize." said the queen.

"I won't apologize for serving the queen." She said as she turned to look at me coldly at me.

"You dare defy the queen?!" Said jupiter.

"Its alright makoto....listen, I'm grateful you did your job and did it well, however, there was a grievous misunderstanding. As good and kind people, we are to make amends when we are wrong. We jumped the gun, as they say, on the wrong people....s so please, i ask of you to cooperate." The queen said as she gestured to us.

Uranus would groan a bit before walking up to me.

She gave me a mildly nasty look at me, as if i were below her. spiteful side was gonna come out in retaliation.

"Look, I'm sorry, i attacked you earlier..." she said half heartedly.

"It's okay, this is coming from the BUTT of the senshi after all. So i know you'd give me an half ASSed apology." I said with a smirk.

"Butt....ass ...why......OH YOU SONOVA-" she said in anger.

Venus would giggle, then bust out laughing.

"Its cuz you're sailor urANUS!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! That's a good one!!" Venus said as she laughed her head off.

The queen would turn her head.

Mars would peek around.

"You too?! For shame!" Said mars.

The princess would giggle too.

Uranus would look around, blush and go back to her spot, mumbling and grumbling to herself.

Mom smacked me upside my head.

"Shame on you son!" She said.

"Heheheheh she had it coming though." Sven said with a smirk.

Moro snorted at the joke.

"Its cuz she's a butthead!" Said daisuke.

"Enough with the butt jokes!!" Said sailor uranus, stomping her foot.

"Now now, no need to make a GAS about it." Said sis with a smirk.

"Now fart jokes?!" Said uranus in anger.

This threw venus, the queen, and the princess into full blown laughter.

Uranus would sink into embarrassment. She has been properly humbled.

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