Chapter 1

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Tenko Shimura rolled out of bed groggily and went up to the mirror in his room, rubbing his eyes before closely inspecting his reflection for any changes. He had turned six years old a month ago, but he still didn't have a quirk. Most of his friends had their quirks manifest when they were just four, and even the ones who got it late had theirs way before their fifth birthday. Tenko's shoulders sagged in defeat. He looked over at a picture frame on his nightstand and held a hand out in its direction, trying to move it with his mind. He sighed sadly after a few moments when nothing happened at all. Tenko changed out of his pajamas and went downstairs, immediately greeted by his mom.

"Good morning, sweetheart," Nao called from the kitchen.

"Morning, Mom," Tenko answered rather unenthusiastically.

Nao poked her head out of the kitchen. "Is something wrong, Koko?"

"Mommy, why don't I have a quirk?" Tenko questioned.

"Aw, honey, I'm so sorry. Your dad got his a little late too, so maybe that's it."

"When did he get his?"

"... A few days after his fifth birthday."

"But I'm already six, why is it so late?"

"Honey, we can always go to a doctor if you want to know for sure. I mean... some people just... not everyone gets... you know...."

Tenko shook his head vehemently. He hated going to the doctor's. Besides, right now, he can still hope that maybe his quirk will show up one day, but if he went to the doctor, he might be told that... that.... Tenko shook his head again, refusing to go down that train of thought.

"Alright, baby. Go wash your hands and get ready for breakfast, okay?"

"Okay...." Tenko trudged his way out of the kitchen and passed by the living room. He waved at Mon, the family dog, who was curled up in his dog bed.

Mon wagged his tail in response, watching the youngest Shimura enter the bathroom.

Tenko rinsed his hands off and dried them on a towel before wandering into the dining room.

"Can someone set the table, please?" Nao asked.

"I got it!" Hana, Tenko's older sister, exclaimed, running into the kitchen with her dad following behind.

"Good morning," Kotaro said before giving his wife a kiss on the cheek.

"Morning," Nao replied.

Mon darted into the dining room, summoned by the sound of plates clanking against each other.

Tenko grabbed a piece of bacon from his plate, breaking off a bit of it to give to Mon before munching on the rest of it himself.

"Man, Mon Chan's here living his best life," Kotaro commented as he sat down at the table.

Nao sat down with her daughter before grabbing a slice of toast and ripping a corner off, immediately gaining Mon's attention. She laughed as the corgi trotted over to her on his stubby legs. "This right here is the face of someone who only knows breakfast, lunch, dinner, and sleep." Nao dropped the bit of toast on the ground for Mon to snatch up eagerly. "Look at that, head empty."

"Mon's smart... sometimes," Hana contributed, stuffing her mouth with food.

"Mon knows when I'm sad, and he makes me happy again," Tenko added with a grin.

"Yeah? Then he deserves a little extra for being a good boy." Kotaro cut out a slice of his fried egg and gave it to the happy corgi.

Mon spent the rest of breakfast circling the table, getting fed by each member of the Shimura family. He waited until everyone got up and realized that there would be no more food for him before prancing back to the living room to take a nap.

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