"Well, now I'm telling you to come up here, Miss. Sathers." Miss Crooker told me in a stern voice. I heard people in the back, snickering and muttering between themselves.

I rolled my eyes. Oh no, there goes my first impression. Still with the smirk on my face, I walked with swag as I made my way to the front of the classroom. As I faced the class, a nervous flutter flipped through my stomach. The room was so big! I didn't know all these people were in my class! I did a quick scan and saw that the only people I recognized was Fawn and Russell. I gotta get out more.

"I'm Libby. This is my thirteenth school, and I have so many better things to do then learn about a language I already know how to speak," I said in a clear voice, confidence filling my voice. I felt my chest tighten. If only I felt that confidence in the inside and out.

I mocked a bow and went back to my seat, arms swinging by my sides. Suddenly there was clapping. "Whooohoo! Libby!!" I heard an already familiar voice say.

I glanced behind me and glared at Russell. "Shut up if you know what's good for you." was what my glare said. Where was his dignity? After that fake family emergency, you'd think he'd have the sense to at least apologize or something! Miss. Crooker caught the exchange, tense on my side and flirtaciously oblivious on his, and I could see her smile falling from her lips.

 Caught in an awkward position, my heart went out to her. I guess I wasn’t very fair to her. She ended up smiling again and diving into shakespeare. "We're going to be doing a huge production at the end of the year. You guys will be in groups and perform different Shakespeare plays in twelve weeks. Look forward to it." she informed us, apparently taking delight in our groans.

Fifteen minutes into class, a note flew onto my desk. Confused, I looked around to see a girl two seats down from me winking at me. Curious, I opened the note and read it. I groaned inwardly. It said in a hasty scrawl, "Heard you were knocked down by Russell Remurs. How did his muscles feel on your body?"

 On the other side of the paper, I scribbled a fierce, "Squishy!"

When Miss. Crooker wasn't looking, I quickly folded the note up again and chucked it at the girl. I heard the sound of paper uncrinkling, and I zoned out all noises from then on.

"Groups!" I heard Miss Crooker announce in a very loud voice. It snapped me out of my trance. She read off a list.

"Hamlet. Tracey Edwards, Cole Peyton, Vince Gardario, Ellie Zantros, Nick Storie, and Zoey Duler."

"Winter's Tale. Russell Remurs, Felicity Truit, Zack Hassers, Veronika Julidet, Fawn Gores, and Libby Sathers."

 My head flew up, causing my hood to fall back. What? Worst group ever! I groaned and sank back into my seat. This is going to be a long year. No longer interested in the other groups, I tuned out everyone else. Winter's Tale? I've never even read it. Shrugging it off, I took off the moment the bell rang. Next period's lunch and I'm hungry.


"Libby!" I heard a voice call. 

I sagged. I hated it when annoying people called my name. I turned around, not even bothering to hide my annoyance. "Fawn." I said in greeting, turning back around before she could say anything.

"I just wanted to talk to you about Russell Remurs." she said, trying to get my attention again. I stopped mid air from grabbing my piece of greasy pizza.

"Sure, sit with me." I told her, having a sudden change of heart. I might as well get more information about Klutz over there. Maybe some information I can use to blackmail, taunt, or tease him for. Any of the above sounded lovely.

 I scanned the room quickly for Russell as Fawn and I sat down at an empty table. I spotted him easily in the "popular" table, a girl sitting on his lap feeding him chips. Um? Get a room? My mood suddenly soured.

"Tell me everything you know." I demanded, probably sounding really rude. Fawn didn't seem to mind. She just liked having someone's attention and dirt to spill.

 "Well, he's the hottest guy at school. And happens to be the biggest player in the book of players." Fawn started.

I stopped her abrubtly. "Stop. I don't want to know any more about this Russell Remurs."

Fawn looked at me, startled. I didn't have time to explain. I threw away my food, for once not even lingering at the thought of wasted food, and walked out of school.

 Just perfect. The hope that Russell and I would have a future someday crushed to dust; not that I wanted to go out with the guy. He was rude and arrogant, and the fact that he was a player just made him even less appealing. Some girls wouldn't mind the simple fact, but I don't deal with it. On any tolerance level.

I don't date players.

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